

Short outline of the DA10 programme for data and statisticsand setting the global context by Mr. Gabriel Gamez, UN Statistics Division

The African context and objective of the workshop by Mr. Oliver Chinganya, Director, African Centre for Statistics, ECA


Session 1: SDGIndicators – global, regional and national frameworks

The global indicator framework by Dr. Burton Mguni, Deputy Statistician General, CSO Botswana

Initiative for a regional indicator framework, by Mr.Negussie Gorfe, Statistician, ACS/ECA 

The SDG indicator process from the perspective of UN Environment as a custodian, By Ludgarde Coppes, Head of Unit - SDG Data and Information Unit, UN Environment

Value added of regional and global indicator frameworks as compared to national frameworks in the context of violence, crime, access to justice, and corruption, by Angela Me Chief Research and Trend Analysis Branch, UNODC

Developing national SDG Indicator framework - issues and challenges in Uganda, by Mr Ben Paul Mungyereza, Executive Director, UBOS


Session 2: Global Action Plan and its translation into regional and national development strategies

The Global Action Plan (GAP), by Mr. MurangwaYusuf, Director General, NISR

The Africa Action Plan for Transformative agenda , by Mr. Léandre Ngogang, Statistian, ACS/ECA

Strategies for financing and technology, Mr RisengaMaluleke. Deputy Director-General, Statistics South Africa

Unpacking the challenges of urban SDG target and human settlements indicators monitoring, by Mr. Robert P Ndugwa, Head Global Urban Observatory Unit, UN Habitat

African regional or sub-regional action plans related to violence, crime, access to justice, and corruption and UNODC support to African national statistical systems, by Angela Me Chief Research and Trend Analysis Branch, UNODC

Revamping national statistical development strategy in support of the production and utilization of SDG Indicators in Egypt, by Mrs. Amira Ahmed Gamaleldin, First Under-secretary, CAPMAS

Revamping national statistical development strategy in support of the production and utilization of SDG Indicators in Ghana, by Mr. Baah Wadieh, Acting Government Statistician, GSS

Session 3: SDG country reporting systems

The Secretary-General global reporting system, by Mr. Barnabe Okouda, Director of Coordination, NIS Cameroon

African reporting system; including for the 2063 Agenda, by Negussie Gorfe, Statistician, ACS/ECA

Description of the High Level Political Forum, the countryvoluntary reports and the approach that are taking in the environment pillar of the DA project, Ludgarde Coppes, Head of Unit - SDG Data and Information Unit, UN Environment

The African Development Bank’s Statistical Capacity Building Program, by Fessou Emessan LAWSON, Manager (OIC), Statistical Capacity Building Division, African Development Bank

Contribution of Togo in the implementation of the SDG and Agenda 2063 framework, By N'guissan Kokou Yao, Director General, NSO Togo (French)

Localizing SDG indicators and building national capacity to measure violence, crime, access to justice and corruption, By Angela Me, Chief Research  and Trend Analysis Branch, UNODC

Developing reporting system for SDG and Agenda 2063, contribution of National Statistical System, issues faced and challenges, by Mme. Aberash Tariku Abaye, Deputy Director General, CSA