Land Policy Initiative

Invest in Africa’s Land to Catalyse Economic Growth and Prosperity – A Ministerial Dialogue

Objectives and expected outcomes

The objective of the high level ministerial dialogue is to raise awareness, exchange knowledge and draw lessons from promising practices to enhance land governance and the management of land based investments. The forum will also launch the African Land Policy Center (ALPC).


Experts discuss land governance to increase agricultural investment


Kigali, 21 December (ECA) - Land in Africa has become the safest asset for those with spare funds to invest.  With its growing population, Rwanda, like many other countries on the continent, has also been attracting progressively more property developers to construct thousands of houses, and thus address its urban housing challenges.


Intensify production of land data and statistics, experts urge African governments

Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire, December 05, 2016 (ECA) - African governments should intensify the production of land data and statistics to aid their decision-making processes as the continent seeks to end poverty and inequality, an expert group meeting on Land Policy in Africa recently recommended.


Strengthen Land Governance in Africa (SLGA) Project Coordination Committee Meeting 2016

SLGA Project Coordination Committee is comprised of ECA/LPI, BMZ/GIZ, and the World Bank. The SCC will be chaired by the AUC’s Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA), other institutions and organizations that are of strategic importance and relevance to the Partnership can be invited as observers.


Partners Meeting

The objective of the partners meeting is to foster and create synergies and partnerships that are underpinned by the principles in the F&G to support the implementation of the AU Declaration on land. This platform with partners will allow the LPI and its core partners/stakeholders to draw lessons from donor-funded/development partners supported initiatives on land governance in Africa to inform current and future programs.


Implementing Partners Planning and Review Meeting 2016

The LPI implementing partners planning and review meeting will be held on 04-05 December 2016 to take stock of progress in the development and implementation of joint projects on land policy and governance between the LPI and its key implementing partners. The meeting will identify and agree on priority programmatic/ thematic areas and stakeholders that would be part of the 2017 work plan, examine and provide inputs to the ALPC Strategic Plan (2017-2021), and review and validate the ALPC M&E Framework.


LPI Steering Committee Meeting 2016

The Steering Committee will examine: progress in the implementation of the previous decisions of the Steering Committee held in April 2016 and the 2016 LPI Work Plan, including fund utilization. The meeting will also review and provide guidance on reports on programs of RECs and other partners in implementing the AU agenda on land, reflect on emerging issues and challenges, provide strategic guidance on any other matters related to implementation of the AU declaration on land.


Facing the Challenges of Land Monitoring in the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa – Towards Agenda 2030 and SDGs 2063

The LPI in partnership with the African Center for andUN-HABITAT will hold a side event on Tuesday 29 November titled “Facing the Challenges of Land Monitoring in the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa – Towards Agenda 2030 and SDGs 2063. The event will be held in the auspices of the 10th Session of the Committee of Directors Generals of National Statistics Office (CoDGs) and 5th session of the Statistical Commission for Africa (STATCOM-AFRICA).


Traditional leaders pledge to protect land rights of local people.

Accra, 17 November 2016 (ECA) – Traditional leaders from across Africa have embraced a joint ECA-AU and AfDB recommendation for large-scale land based investments (LSLBIs) to be made more sustainable and protective of the land rights of local communities.

In a communiqué issued Thursday at the close of a two-day seminar organized in Accra by the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) to sensitize traditional leaders on the risks and opportunities of LSLBIs, the leaders expressed their willingness to promote and protect land rights.

