Land Policy Initiative

Validation Workshop of the Study on Land, Ethnicity and Conflict in Africa

The AUC-ECA-AfDB Land Policy Initiative has organized a workshop to validate the study on Land, Ethnicity and Conflicts in Africa, which aims at understanding land related ethnic conflicts as key to addressing peace and security in Africa and their resolution as a strong foundation to boosting economic growth and sustainable development. 


LPI Steering Committee Meeting

The Steering Committee will examine: progress in the implementation of the previous decisions of the Steering Committee held in December 2016 and the 2017 LPI Work Plan, including fund utilization. The meeting will also review and provide guidance on reports on programs of RECs and other partners in implementing the AU agenda on land, reflect on emerging issues and challenges, provide strategic guidance on any other matters related to implementation of the AU declaration on land.


LPI Implementing Partners’ Planning and Review Meeting

The objective of the partners meeting is to foster and create synergies and partnerships that are underpinned by the principles in the F&G to support the implementation of the AU Declaration on land. This platform with partners will allow the LPI and its core partners/stakeholders to draw lessons from donor-funded/development partners supported initiatives on land governance in Africa to inform current and future programs.


Political will good but not enough to unlock Africa’s land potential

Dakar, 26 March 2017 (ECA) - A recent assessment on investments in Africa’s lands by the Land Policy Initiative indicate that US$4.5 billion will be needed over the next 10 years to fix some of the key challenges identified in relation to land.

These challenges relate to developing land policies and reform institutions, improving tenure security in communal and individual lands, increasing access to land and tenure security for the poor and vulnerable, increasing efficiency and transparency in land administration and resolving land disputes and managing expropriations.


LPI launches project to track progress in implementing the AU Declaration on Land

Addis Ababa, 2 March 2017 (ECA) - The AUC-ECA-AfDB Land Policy Initiative (LPI) has launched a pilot project to track progress in the implementation of the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa. In collaboration with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the project will assess progress made in implementing the key decisions and commitments of the AU Declaration on Land at continental, regional and national level, beginning with ten (10) pilot countries.

