
Invest in Africa’s Land to Catalyse Economic Growth and Prosperity – A Ministerial Dialogue
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Dakar, Senegal

Objectives and expected outcomes

The objective of the high level ministerial dialogue is to raise awareness, exchange knowledge and draw lessons from promising practices to enhance land governance and the management of land based investments. The forum will also launch the African Land Policy Center (ALPC).

Expected outcomes: i) Enhanced knowledge on innovative approaches to boost land based investments for inclusive economic growth, social cohesion and sustainable development; ii) Launch of the African Land Policy Center (ALPC) 

Methodology and speakers: The dialogue will take place in a moderated round table, allowing inputs from speakers and high level participants. Speakers at the round table will be at a ministerial level or equivalent, drawn from ministries of Finance, Land, and/or Agriculture; private sector; Speakers of Parliament or Chairs of relevant Parliamentary Committees; University Presidents/ Vice Chancellors; and traditional rulers. 

Target audience: The target audience is about 40 participants, including Ministers of finance, economic planning, land and agriculture, private sector, civil society organizations, traditional authorities, institutions of higher learning and development partners 

Contact: For further information please contact: Godfrey Bahiigwa, Director DRE/AUC at BahiigwaG@africa-union.org, Joan Kagwanja, Chief, LPI/RITD/ECA at landpolicy@uneca.org and Wordsworth Odame Larbi, Senior Land Tenure Officer/LPI at wlarbi@uneca.org