Policy and Legislation for the Operation of Road Corridors in the CEN-SAD Area, Including Climate and Gender Aspects





Announcement in Brief

Type :Self-paced Course
Programme Area :Regional integration
Beginning of the course : September 27 - October 29, 2021
Duration : 5 weeks
Language :Bilingual (English & French)
Location :Web Based E-Learning
Fee :No Fee
Application Deadline : September 13, 2021
Specific target audience :No
Website :https://services.unidep.org/e-idep
Applications :https://www.unidep.org/?apply



CEN-SAD aims at establishing a comprehensive Economic Union based on a strategy implement-ed in accordance with a developmental plan that would be integrated in the national development plans of the member States with focus on Regional security and Sustainable development.

Looking at countries memberships in other RECs, it is crucial for stakeholders to harmonize policies and legislation regarding the management, operation and maintenance of corridors, which is the building block of a successful integration.

The exploitation of road corridors should be based on the design and construction of appropriate climate-resilient infrastructure including gender aspects.

 CEN-SAD requested this capacity-building program to encourage foreign trade through drawing up and implementing an investment policy for member States; to enhance and improve land transportation above all among member States through the implementation of joint projects.



 Global Objectives:

  • Build the capacities of officials in Member States so that they fully play their role in the management, operation and maintenance of national sections of road corridors and
  • Harmonize knowledge in the field of Gender for better consideration in community policies


Specific objectives :

  • Train executives and managers of structures responsible for the construction and maintenance of inter-state road infrastructure in the field of construction standards and road legislation;
  • Train corridor managers in road maintenance and technical and economic management of sections in the context of climate change;
  • Promote the inclusion of the gender dimension in all Community policies and programs