
Established in 1963, the IDEP Library has been at the forefront of providing quality information and documentation services to a large and diversified audience the Institute’s trainees, research and teaching staff involved in various institutional programmes, visiting fellows, government officials, university academics, postgraduate students, and the general reading public. The library is home to the most original collection of development documents concerning postcolonial Africa. For example, most original copies of all the development plans elaborated by African countries since independence are available in the library. The library is also home to the biggest collection of dissertations produced by the senior African development planners and policy analysts who have passed through the Institute’s master’s degree programme
The IDEP Library plays a leading role in serving as a liaison centre for the UN and partner organizations. It also serves as a repository in Senegal for the World Bank and IMF publications. Besides, concerted efforts are made on a continuing basis to acquire and maintain core books and periodicals on IDEP’s major programme areas as well as leading economic management and development themes. More than 2,000 users visit the library each year, including 1,200 scholars and researchers. Collaboration with partner institutions and organizations grants the IDEP Library access to numerous databases for in-house use. The institutional acquisition policy places emphasis on cooperation and networking with other libraries around the world.
The IDEP Library collection consists of books, journals, pamphlets, CD-ROM databases and publications from the UN System, the World Bank, the IMF and the OECD. Other resources include bibliographies and Internet-based on-line databases. Given IDEP's mandate and mission, the library seeks to position itself as a premier centre of information and data resources. In this way, the library is able to play its role fully as a key resource for the attainment of the institutional priorities of IDEP.
Opening hours
The IDEP Library hours of operation are as follows: Weekdays 8:30am – 1:00pm & 2:00pm – 5:00pm. (Please note that the Library is closed during holidays)
Contact Us
IDEP Library & Knowledge Management Services
African Institute for Economic Development and Planning
Rue du 18 Juin, behind "Assemblée Nationale"
P.O.Box 3186, CP 18524
Dakar, Senegal
Tel.: (221) 33 823 10 20
Fax: (221) 33 822 29 64