Land Policy Initiative

Inception workshop to initiate the study on land curricula needs assessment and mapping of exiting land training centers in Africa

The inception workshop will seek to provide a common understanding of the objectives, expected outcomes, and methodology of the study to be undertaken by the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) on two complementary themes: themapping of existing land learning centers, and curricula needs assessment on land governance in institutions of higher learning on the continent. The study will identify the specific gaps and challenges in training on land in Africa.


Working session to finalize the draft proposal to establish the African Centre of Excellence on Land Governance (ACELG)

The two-day working session will review for finalization a draft proposal developed by the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) for the establishment of an African Centre of Excellence on Land Governance (ACELG). The meeting will seek to agree on roles and responsibilities among participating institutions, and on the key actions needed in establishing and operationalizing the ACELG, including resource allocation and disbursement of funds.


Experts’ Group Meeting on the study “Gaps assessment on land curricula and institutional mapping”

The two-day meeting will collect information and data to enrich the ongoing study undertaken by the Land Policy Initiative (LPI), titled “Gaps assessment on land curricula and institutional mapping.” It will also deliberate on the governance of the African Center of Excellence on Land Governance, and identify institutions of higher learning to partner with in forming the center. The meeting will bring together about 20 experts and resource persons from academic and research institutions.


LPI Steering Committee Meeting

The main purpose of this regular LPI Steering Committee Meeting is to review the progress made in the implementation of decisions taken during last meeting held in November 2014, review and approve the LPI work plan for 2015, and reflect on and provide strategic guidance with regard to emerging land issues.


Guiding Principles on Large Scale Land Based Investments in Africa

The African Union (AU) views the agricultural sector as a critical component of its agenda for a structural transformation of Africa’s economies. In this regard, the African Union has demonstrated solidarity, leadership and commitment to the sector, developing the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) implemented by the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency. CAADP recognizes the need to support Africa’s smallholder farmers including women.

Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security

The purpose of these Voluntary Guidelines is to serve as a reference and to provide guidance to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests with the overarching goal of achieving food security for all and to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.

LPI events at World Bank Conference: focus on learning and partnerships

Addis Ababa, 26 March 2015 - The Land Policy Initiative (LPI) participates in the World Bank 2015 Annual Conference on Land and Poverty through organizing sessions and side events during the five-day event, held in Washington D.C., between 23 and 27 March 2015. The theme of this year’s global event is “Linking land tenure and use for shared prosperity.”


Land Policy Initiative events at the 2015 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty

The Land Policy Initiative (LPI) participates in the World Bank 2015 Annual Conference on Land and Poverty through organizing sessions and side events during the five-day global gathering. The LPI will organize a session on the “Status of the implementation of the African Union Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa,” and host a Development Partners Platform Meeting. The LPI will hold bilateral side meetings.


LPI side event at the 11th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting

As part of the 11th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting, to be held in Johannesburg on 25 and 26 March 2015, the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) in collaboration with the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) organizes a side event on “Improving land governance for inclusive and sustainable agricultural transformation.” The session, expected to be attended by 40 participants, will support the implementation of the Malabo Declaration strategic action area of strengthening governance of land, water and other natural resources.

