Land Policy Initiative

Unprecedented support to capacity development for land governance in Africa

Addis Ababa, 1 October 2014 - The Land Policy Initiative (LPI), the World Bank, and the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) agreed to collaborate in launching a five-year project, “Support to Capacity Building for Land Governance in Africa”. The agreement was reached at the end of a two-day working session to review, finalize, and integrate components of project proposals developed by the three partnering institutions, and organized in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Farmers’ dialogue platform: essential to land policy in Africa

Addis Ababa, 4 September 2014 (ECA) – The Capacity Development Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) supported the organization of a workshop bringing together representatives of continental and regional farmers’ organizations, to establish a platform that would ensure farmers’ continued and systematic engagement in support of the implementation of the African Union Declaration on Land Challenges and Issues in Africa. The workshop is being held at the AphroditeHotel in Addis Ababa, from 4 to 5 September 2014.  


A validation workshop for the report on assessing large scale land based investments in Africa (LSLBI)

The objective of this workshop is to review the draft report on the study on Assessing Large Scale Land Based Investment in Africa (LSLBI) with a view to validating information, data and evidence on the status of LSLBI in Africa. The workshop, which will be co-organised by the LPI and the Pan African Parliament (PAP) will also draw lessons from best practices for promoting profitable, equitable and sustainable investments in support of an African agricultural and economic transformation.


A validation workshop for the draft capacity development framework on land policy in Africa

This workshop is organized to validate the draft Capacity Development Framework on Land Policy in Africa This event will be co-organized by the LPI with UN-Habitat and is part of activities to develop a strategy and enhance capacity in land policy development, implementation and monitoring. The workshop will review and validate the background content and framework, providing inputs to its finalization.


Validation workshop on the reports on mainstreaming land policy and governance

Validation workshop on the reports on mainstreaming land policy and governance in the CAADP national agriculture and food security investment plans (NAFSIPS); and land governance in the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)This workshop is organized to validate the reports on mainstreaming land Policy and Governance in the CAADP national agriculture and food security investment plans (NAFSIPS); and the report on land governance in the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). This event will be co-organized by the LPI and the Capacity Development Division of the ECA.


Parallel partnership platform meetings for: a) Development partners; and b) Stakeholders/ implementing partners

This first LPI development partners meeting seeks to implement an LPI steering committee decision to bring together bilateral and multi-lateral donors as well as UN agencies supporting land policy in Africa, who are currently engaging with the LPI.


Technical validation workshop of the West Africa land policy convergence study

The overall objective of the draft regional framework on formulation and implementation of harmonized land policies in the ECOWAS region, based on regional consensus, is to speed up regional integration and common regional market through harmonization of on-going land related initiatives in the region.The workshop is organized by the AUC- ECA- AfDB Land Policy Initiative (LPI) in collaboration with the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS).


Validation workshop and recommendations on the study on Women Land rights

The aim of the workshop is to validate the draft report on “Improving access to land and strengthening land rights of women in Africa” a study that forms part of the Elements of the Five Year LPI Strategic Plan to implement the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa, in accordance with the Framework and Guideline on Land Policy in Africa (F&G).The Specific objectives of the validation workshop are to:1.    Review the draft report with a view to validating information, data and evidence including: i) The role of women in land based-economic activities and conservation of


LPI: Working session on the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and the implementation plan for piloting the Framework

The three-day session will revise and finalize the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, which was developed by the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) to assist tracking progress in the implementation of the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa. The M&E Framework was validated during a workshop held in October 2013. The meeting will also develop an implementation plan for the Framework to be piloted in selected African countries.

