
Validation workshop on the strategy, business plan and M&E framework for the implementation of the AU declaration on land
Land Policy Initiative: Strategic Planning, Management and M&E
Monday, September 30, 2013
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This workshop is organized to validate the results of a study conducted by Dalberg Global Development Advisors to develop a high level strategy and business plan, and M&E framework for Land policy Initiative (LPI). The validation workshop will examine options and make recommendations based on a study conducted by LPI with the support of Dalberg Global Development Advisors.  This important study responds to the call bythe  AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa to "carry out studies on the establishment of an appropriate institutional framework  that can support Member States in their efforts towards reviewing, developing and implementing land policies including mechanisms for progress tracking and reporting,  as well as for the establishment of an African Fund for Land Policy