Land Policy Initiative

Land Policy in Africa: A Framework to Strengthen Land Rights, Enhance Productivity and Secure Livelihoods

The African Union’s (AU) perspective is that agriculture and land are central in the social and economic development of the continent and that rights to land are fundamental to the participation of all people including women and disadvantaged sections of society in the development process. Africa’s development remains dependent on agriculture and exploitation of natural resources, yet agriculture and livestock production are largely carried out by smallholder farmers under increasing pressure of scarce land resources managed under unsecured customary land ownership.

Launch of the IGAD-LPI-SDC project “Support to mainstreaming land governance in the IGAD programmes,” and related events

The three-year project “Support to mainstreaming land governance in the IGAD programmes” was jointly developed by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the Land Policy Initiative (LPI), with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The project will enhance the capacity of the LPI and the IGAD Secretariat to facilitate and monitor the implementation in IGAD region of the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges, and mainstream land governance issues in programmes and activities of the IGAD Secretariat.


Experts to validate the Gender Strategy for the Land Policy Initiative

Entebbe, 5 February 2015 - The Land Policy Initiative (LPI) organizes on 4 and 5 February 2015, in Entebbe, Uganda, an Experts’ Group Meeting (EGM) to revise and validate the draft Gender Strategy of the organization. The LPI has developed the draft gender strategy as a guide to mainstreaming gender in the land policy development and implementation processes in Africa.


Declaration on land issues and challenges in Africa

WE, the Heads of States and Government of the African Union, meeting at our Thirteenth Ordinary Session in Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, from 1 to 3 July 2009;

REAFFIRMING the commitments we have made to poverty eradication with the view to raising the living standards of our peoples and the wellbeing of our future generations;

RECOGNISING the centrality of land to sustainable socio-economic growth, development and the security of the social, economic and cultural livelihoods of our people;

Experts’ Group Meeting to validate the Gender Strategy for the Land Policy Initiative (LPI)

The two-day meeting will review the LPI Gender Strategy in order to validate information, data, and analysis presented in the document. The Gender Strategy was developed by the LPI as a guide to mainstreaming gender in the land policy development and implementation processes in Africa. The meeting will also aim at reaching consensus on follow-up actions by the LPI and its partners on mainstreaming gender in land policy across the continent. The workshop will bring together about 20 experts on gender and land representing various institutions and organizations partnering with the LPI.


Workshop to validate the draft report on “Effective land administration in Africa”

Participants in the two-day workshop will review the draft report on “Effective land administration in Africa”, with a view to validate information, data and evidence included in the document.  A second objective of the validation workshop is to reach consensus on follow–up activities by the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) and its partners in areas such as awareness raising and advocacy, capacity development and peer learning, and monitoring and evaluation towards effective land administration systems in Africa.


Experts Group Meeting to prepare the roll out of Land Policy Initiative Monitoring and Evaluation pilots in synergy with the CAADP Results Framework

The objective of the meeting is to develop a roadmap to support the implementation of the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) pilots in eleven  countries while building synergy with the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Results Framework and other relevant initiatives. The meeting is expected to agree on key thematic areas and indicators to be tracked in the M&E pilots, and to reach agreement on the methodology and modalities for implementing the pilots.


Journalists’ workshop on Land Policy in Africa

The Land Policy Initiative (LPI) will organize on 10 November 2014 a Journalists’ Workshop on Land Policy in Africa. The workshop will augment journalists’ knowledge on land governance concerns on the continent, so they are better equipped to help increase public awareness about land reforms. The workshop will be an opportunity for further engagement with the media as critical partner in the dialogue on land issues in Africa. About 30 journalists from across the continent will participate at the workshop, representing print, electronic, and online media.


Overall Objective

The Conference on Land Policy in Africa will be a policy and learning event. Its overall objective will be to deepen capacity for land policy in Africa through improved access to knowledge and information, in support of evidence-based land policymaking and implementation. The Conference will adopt a scientific approach.
