Central Africa

Key messages from experts’ session on agriculture in Douala

Douala - Cameroon, 27 Feb. 2016 (ECA) - At a time when international oil prices have plummeted, the public finances and current accounts of countries that depend heavily thereon are deteriorating. Such is currently the plight of several Central African countries. This is also why the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) reiterates the need for active engagement in diversification and structural transformation of the economies of the sub-region and of the entire African continent.

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Central Africa urged to prioritise agribusiness


Douala, 24 Feb 2016 (ECA) – In the context of a sharp decline in the price of crude oil, Central Africa must capitalise on the diversification of its economies via the transformation of its agricultural products. This was the key message from Cameroon’s Minister Delegate in the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development – Mr Yaoba Abdoulaye – as he opened the 32nd session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) of Central Africa, convened in Douala, Cameroon, by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).


Agriculture and structural transformation: ECA convenes experts of Central Africa

From 24 to 26 February 2016, in Douala – Cameroon, ECA (www.uneca.org/sro-ca) will convene experts of member States and sub-regional institutions in Central Africa to examine and propose strategies for leveraging the agricultural potential of the zone in view of reinforcing its food security and structural transformation.

32nd Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) - Central Africa

During three days of the session, experts from Central African States as well as those from international organisations will lay emphasis on strategies that would allow countries of the sub-region to leverage their huge agricultural potential in order to speed up growth, whilst aiming to achieve the second of the global Sustainable Development Goals, which is: “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.”


Central Africa called upon to consolidate consultation on road safety

Douala, 02 December 2015 (ECA) – Through the voice of a representative, Mr Zacharie Ngoumbe – Inspector General in the Ministry of Transport, Cameroon’s Minister of Transport Mr Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo’o has congratulated the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) for encouraging Central African countries to implement the African Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety.

