Central Africa

Towards greater Road Safety in central Africa

Yaounde, 25 Nov. 2015 (ECA) – What is the current situation and what are the possible implementation difficulties in Central Africa of the African Road Safety Plan?  It is to answer these questions that the Central African Office of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa is organising a meeting of experts from 30 November to 1 December 2015 in Douala-Cameroon.


Capacity building seminar on agriculture and climate change

In Central Africa, a subregion that includes coastal, Sahelian and forest areas highly exposed to climate hazards, agriculture remains the most important sector of the economy, with over half the population involved. It contributes nearly 30% to the gross national product of countries within the sub-region. But this is essentially subsistence agriculture and highly dependent on rainfall for crops’ water supply. The sub-region is therefore very vulnerable to climate change, seasonal disruptions and rainfall distribution.


Training workshop for Francophone experts on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

The workshop for Francophone experts on the Africa Programme for the Accelerated Improvement of Civil Status Registration and Vital Statistics is organized by the Regional Support Group, including: the ECA, the AUC, the AfDB, UNICEF, the UNFPA and the UNHCR.

The workshop is planned for a period of 5 days. The proceedings will be organized around the following themes:


-       Training on the principles and recommendations of the United Nations on civil status 


Libreville capital of anticorruption network

The Gabonese capital has been chosen as seat of the Network of National Anti-Corruption Institutions in Central Africa (RINAC) after a three-day expert group meeting. 

Libreville, 9 October 2015 (ECA/CNLCEI Gabon) - Over 40 experts who participated in deliberations of the technical workshop to set up RINAC, also appointed an Interim Bureau to be headed by Mr Dieudonné Odounga Awassi who is Chair of Gabon’s National Commission for the Fight against Illicit Enrichment (CNLCEI, in French).

