Central Africa

Restructuring Central Africa's integration – much awaits

Yaoundé, 30 April 2015 (ECA) – Free movement of persons and goods is the most essential point of regional integration, “but this does not mean that security concerns are not taken on board”, recently remarked the Chairperson of the Steering Committee for the Restructuring of Regional Economic Communities in Central Africa (COPIL/CER), Mr. Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI, who also doubles as Cameroon's Minister for the Economy, Planning and Regional Development.


Expert Group Meeting on "Improving Central Africa's Business Climate"

In Africa, there are still challenges in improving the business climate despite the many advances made in recent years. Indeed, according to the World Bank, sixteen of the most difficult countries to do business in are African. Among the six, four are Central African states: Congo , the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola and Gabon . This ranking is sufficient proof how Central Africa lags behind in terms of facilities do business.


Central Africa urged to improve its macroeconomic convergence

Brazzaville, 03 March 2015 (ECA) – Central African countries have been once again admonished to increase their efforts at achieving the kind of regional integration that will foster sustainable growth in all the economies of the sub-region, especially in terms of monitoring the benchmarks of macroeconomic convergence they have set for themselves.


Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting on: "Progress and prospects on macroeconomic convergence in Central Africa”

With the transformation of the  Economic and Customs Union of Central Africa (UDEAC) into the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), the six countries involved (Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic and Chad) have adopted a monitoring mechanism whose framework is based on four primary criteria for convergence: (i) a positive or zero-base  budget balance; (ii) an annual inflation rate below 3%, (iii) public debt ratio (internal and external) less than or equal to 70% of GDP, and (iv) a non-accumulation by the State of domestic and external ar


African Ministers to spotlight civil registration as key for good governance

Addis Ababa, 06 February 2015 (ECA-AUC) - The role of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) in attaining good governance in Africa as well as the need for good governance itself in conducting the civil registration processes across the continent, will come under review at a regional conference slated for the 7th to the 9th of February 2015 in Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire.

