Central Africa

Experts recommend 112 activities for African Union/NEPAD programmes in Central Africa 2013-2016

Douala, 23 October 2013 (ECA) After two days of intense brainstorming in Douala from the 21st to 22nd October 2013, experts from the United Nations System in Central Africa, their counterparts from CEMAC, ECCAS, specialised institutions, the ADB as well as the leading players of the Steering Committee for the Rationalisation of Regional Economic Communities in Central Africa (COPIL/CER-AC) have proposed 116 activities for Central Africa’s development for the next three years.


Regional Evaluation Workshop of the Project "Implementation of Central Africa’s Regional Water Policy"

This meeting will review progress on the execution of the "Implementation of ECCAS’ Regional Water ECCAS Policy" which was first conceptually drafted by the Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa of ECA, funded AfDB and implemented by ECCAS. The project was initiated to create the conditions for implementing the Regional Water Policy adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government of ECCAS, on the one hand, and to harmonise stakeholder contributions through the building of synergies in the water sector in Central Africa.


Experts to deliberate on improving the Business climate in Central Africa

Yaoundé, 11 November 2014 (ECA) - From 1- 2 December 2014, Cameroon’s economic capital, Douala, will host an ad hoc expert group meeting on “improving the business climate in Central Africa”. Organised by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the main objective of the meeting is to afford experts a platform to craft measures likely to act as catalysts for the development of a dynamic and competitive private sector at the service of the economic growth of countries of the sub-region.


Launch of the Economic Report on Africa in Abidjan

Abidjan, 30 Sept 2014 (ECA) – To ensure that growth is both sustainable and beneficial to all strata of society in Africa, countries on the continent, including Cote d’Ivoire, must adopt industrial policies that are germane to their own local contexts and set up strong institutions with the mandate of formulating and pushing through such policies. These are the major recommendations of the Economic Report on Africa 2014 to be launched at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Abidjan on 02 October 2014.


Researchers pledge to help governments put to use recommendations of the Economic Report on Africa 2013

Yaounde, 13 June 2013 (ECA) – At the launch of the ECA-AU Economic Report on Africa 2013, in Central Africa, today, a college of university dons expressed their satisfaction at the quality and relevance of the document and said they were quite ready to support governments across Africa, and that of Cameroon in particular, to implement the recommendations of the Report.


Commodity-based industrialization is a must for Cameroon and other African countries – Economic Report on Africa 2013

Yaounde, 4 June 2013 (ECA) – This year’s Economic Report on Africa, jointly published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Union Commission (AUC), identifies inclusive growth and job creation as major challenges for the continent due to its perennial dependence on the exportation of raw materials. The report, which will be officially launched in Central Africa at the campus of the University of Yaounde II, in Soa next Thursday, June 13, urges African countries to engage in commodity-based industrialization.

