Gender-responsive Economic Policy Management

Announcement in Brief

Course Type : Short Term Course
Date : 15 - 26 April 2019
Duration : 2 weeks
Language : Bilingual (English & French)
Location : Dakar, Senegal
Programme Area : Gender and Economic Policy
Fees : US $ 2,500 (Excluding air travel and subsistence costs)
Scholarships : Yes (IDEP offers a limited number of partial and full scholarships)
Application Deadline : 1 March 2018


The two-week course on Gender-Responsive Economic Policy Management aims at providing policymakers and development practitioners with the required skills and knowledge that are needed to identify and address gender biases in the economic sectors and to analyse economic policies and budgets from a gender perspective. The course is bilingual (English and French) and is delivered by the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP).