Industrial Policy in Africa

The aim of the course is to strengthen the capacity of the relevant officials of African countries to design, implement, monitor and evaluate the efficacy of appropriate industrial policies to facilitate structural transformation of the economies of the continent. The specific objectives of the course are:


Regional Integration in Africa

The overall objective of the course is to update and enhance the knowledge, skills, and capacity of participants with regard to the design and management of policies and programmes for deepening and accelerating regional cooperation and integration in Africa. More specifically, the course aims to promote a more efficient and results-oriented governance of the processes and institutions of African regional cooperation and integration as a key element of the continent’s development.


Masters Degree Programme

This 18-month programme is the flagship activity of the Institute’s capacity development and training programme. Its origins date back to the early 1970s and, over the years, it has evolved to become the central component of the work of the Institute. This programme is designed to expose mid-career and senior professionals and policy makers in the service of their governments, countries, and inter-governmental organisations to a structured training that covers various aspects of economic policy management, development planning, and sectorial analyses.

Tailor-Made Short Courses

Occasionally IDEP receives specific requests from African Member States for tailor-made capacity development and training courses that respond to the specific needs they may have at any given point in time. Tailor-made courses are demand-driven and contribute to the realisation of development visions and processes that are locally-owned, autonomously conceived and nationally-led.

Non Core Short Courses

The sectoral and thematic short courses offered by IDEP target mid-career and senior policy makers, including those who are responsible for policy analysis, development planning, sectoral policies, revenue mobilisation, budgeting, gender equality, environmental sustainability, employment creation, external trade relations, regulatory oversight, and (international) negotiations with other development players. It is planned to organise five thematic and sectoral short courses annually. The courses will bring participants together from across the entire continent.

Core Short Courses

The core courses are those that focus primarily on the fundamentals of economic policy-making, economic management, and development planning that are at the heart of the IDEP mandate. They are organised on a continuing basis and constitute an abiding feature of the work of the Institute at all times.

About the Library

Established in 1963, the IDEP Library has been at the forefront of providing quality information and documentation services to a large and diversified audience the Institute’s trainees, research and teaching staff involved in various institutional programmes, visiting fellows, government officials, university academics, postgraduate students, and the general reading public.

Historical Background

The African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP), located in Dakar (Senegal), is headed by a Director and is accountable to the Deputy Executive Secretary (Programme). IDEP is a subsidiary and training arm of ECA and is responsible for improving public sector management and development planning in support of member States’ structural transformation.
