International Trade Negotiations

The overarching objective of the course is to contribute to the development of a critical mass of highly skilled middle and senior policy officials and decision makers who will be suitably or better equipped to design and manage trade policy for the development of their countries, sub-regions and the continent. More specifically, the course will provide training on trade negotiations, doing so on the basis primarily of the expressed interest of African governments to ensure that their international trade relations are fundamentally developmental.


Macroeconomic Modelling For Development Planners

The goal is to enable participants learn about how economic models are built and to use models to enquire and answer questions regarding how shocks affect the economy. This course aims to develop participants understanding and use of different models in the analysis of national economies and its sectors. Topics will typically include relevant economic theory, development of models and the interpretation of results.


Data Analysis For Development Planners

The overarching objective of the course is to contribute to the development of a critical mass of highly skilled middle and senior policy officials and decision makers who will be suitably or better equipped to collect and/or analyze data for the purpose of national, sub-regional, and regional development planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. More specifically, the course will provide training on different methods and types of data collection and analyses. The course content covers a range of both theoretical and practical issues in data collection and analyses.


International Trade Policy For National And Regional Development

The overarching objective of the course is to contribute to the development of a critical mass of highly skilled middle and senior policy officials and decision makers who will be suitably or better equipped to design and manage dynamic trade policies for the development of their countries, sub-regions and the continent. More specifically, the course will provide training on trade policy design, doing so on the basis primarily of the expressed interest of African governments to ensure that their international trade relations are fundamentally developmental.

