African Trade Policy Centre

Ad-hoc Expert Group Meeting to review the Methodological approach to produce the AfCFTA Country Business Index

The recently launched African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is expected to be a game changer for Africa and a key engine of economic growth, industrialization and sustainable development of the continent in line with the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063 for “The Africa We Want” and the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Through the elimination of tariffs and the removal of non-tariff barriers, the AfCFTA is expected to address the fragmentation of African markets and support the creation of a conducive business environment for intra-African trade.


AfCFTA, an opportunity for Tunisia’s integration in Africa

Tunis, 26 July 2019 (ECA): The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will organise on 29 July the National Forum on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in partnership with the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Tunisia, at the Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX) in Tunis and on July 31 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Sfax.


Digital Trade in Africa: Implications for Inclusion and Human Rights

In July 2017, the African Trade Policy Centre of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Geneva Office launched a joint report entitled The Continental Free Trade Area in Africa: A Human Rights Perspective. The publication contained a critical assessment of the human rights dimensions of what is to be the biggest trade agreement in terms of the number of participating countries since the establishment of the World Trade Organization.

A comparison of the provisions of the economic partnership agreements

The economic partnership agreements between the European Union and the five African regional blocs have been under negotiation since 2000. While framed as development-friendly asymmetric agreements that go beyond traditional free trade agreements, the economic partnership agreement process has been marred by controversy and divisions both within and outside the African continent. Among the key concerns that have been raised are the implications regarding Africa’s industrialization and regional integration agendas.

Civil Society organizations urged to play ‘complimentary political roles’

Niamey, Niger - 4 July 2019 – The African Union Commission in partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Coalition for Dialogue on Africa, organized the first-ever Civil Society Forum 2019 under the theme:  “Enhancing Civil Society Engagement in the AfCFTA to Broaden Inclusiveness” on the margins of the African Union Extraordinary Summit on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).


West Africa: Afreximbank Announces Grant to UNECA for Data Collection on West Africa's Informal Trade

Niamey — The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) today in Niamey announced a grant to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) to conduct a one-year pilot project to collect data on informal cross-border trade (ICBT) along the Abidjan-Lagos corridor in West Africa.


UN’s Amina Mohammed pledges full support as Africa begins to implement AfCFTA

Niamey, Niger, July 7, 2019 (ECA) - United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, Amina J Mohammed, on Sunday pledged the UN’s full support to the African Union as nations begin to earnestly operationalise the landmark African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) that is expected to unleash the continent’s all-inclusive economic potential.

In remarks to the 12th extraordinary session of the African Union on the AfCFTA, Ms. Mohammed said the UN stands ready to work in partnership with African countries as they move to implement the historic and game-changing AfCFTA.

