AfCFTA, an opportunity for Tunisia’s integration in Africa

Tunis, 26 July 2019 (ECA): The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will organise on 29 July the National Forum on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in partnership with the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Tunisia, at the Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX) in Tunis and on July 31 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Sfax.

The forum will take place with the participation of the Minister of Trade, senior officials, members of Parliament as well as administration, private sector and civil society representatives. This event aims to raise Tunisian stakeholders’ awareness for a better ownership and involvement in the implementation of the AfCFTA, which became effective on 30 May 2019.

The forum aims to:

• Inform national stakeholders about opportunities and issues related to the AfCFTA;

• Examine how the national institutional framework can be strengthened so as to facilitate the AfCFTA’s implementation and prepare Tunisian administrations and the private sector accordingly.  

• Strengthen the national mobilization around the issues and challenges of African trade integration.

An EU funded project, the National Forum on the African Continental Free Trade Area will gather about 170 participants including delegates from ministries and national institutions, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sfax, the Chambers of Agriculture network, trade unions, academia, technical and financial partners, civil society and the media.

Event: National Forum on the African Free Trade Zone

Date: July 29, 2019 in Tunis, July 31, 2019 in Sfax

Venue: “Centre de Promotion des Exportation” (CEPEX) in Tunis on July 29 and “Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Sfax” (CCIS) on July 31st.


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