ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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9 December 2020
The virtual event, titled 'Africa beyond COVID-19: Acceleration towards inclusive and sustainable development' brought together leaders and experts to examine the pandemic's impact on Africa, the continent's responses, and how it can rebuild, focusing on sustainable development.
9 December 2020
This year's edition of the virtual African Economic Conference kicked off on Tuesday with calls for the continent's policymakers, researchers and development partners to design Afrocentric solutions to ensure Africa builds its own future in the aftermath of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
9 December 2020
L’impact socioéconomique de la crise liée à la Covid-19 et les mesures nécessaires pour en atténuer les effets sont, depuis hier, au centre de l’édition 2020 de la Conférence économique africaine qui a débuté ses travaux virtuellement. Sous le thème «l’Afrique au-delà du Covid-19 : accélérer vers un développement durable inclusif», cette édition organisée conjointement par la Banque africaine de...
9 December 2020
Participants at the 2020 edition of the African Economic Conference have been told that digitalization of trade across the continent can significantly boost free trade in Africa, helping to realize the objectives of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). The virtual 3-day event kicked off today in Addis Ababa.
8 December 2020
The 2020 edition of the African Economic Conference (AEC) opened virtually on Tuesday with calls for the continent's policymakers, researchers, development partners, and champions of policy change to design solutions to ensure Africa builds for the future in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic.
1 December 2020
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) et l’Institut Portulans, un institut de recherche et d’enseignement basé à Washington D.C., s’associent pour lancer les résultats et les classements de la dernière édition du Rapport de préparation du réseau (NRI 2020), du groupe de réflexion évaluant comment les pays sont prêts à tirer parti des technologies de l’information pour...
30 November 2020
Une enquête destinée à évaluer les impacts de la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 sur les entreprises et les ménages sera lancée fin décembre et dont les premiers résultats seront disponibles courant janvier prochain, a indiqué le ministre délégué chargé de la Prospective, Mohamed-Cherif Belmihoub.
30 November 2020
Ever since the twin digit year started life has been but one thing; Covid-19. Killing innocent humans left right and center. Even the media headlines have Covid-19- and a bunch of other phrases like ‘death toll rising’, ‘cases increased’.
30 November 2020
Despite complications brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, UN Women and Standard Bank are making progress in equipping women farmers in Africa with the skills and resources needed to grow their businesses and succeed over the long term.
29 November 2020
THE AFRICAN CONTINENTAL FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (AfCFTA), which is planned to come into effect by July 2021 (notwithstanding any COVID-19-related delays), will allow for greater economic prosperity for the whole of Africa. And as Morocco's place as a strong, continental player becomes more cemented, Morocco will be sure to benefit from the AfCFTA.
29 November 2020
Following the devastating effects of the COVID-19, Africa’s customs heads have given support to the adoption of continental guidelines to facilitate free and timely flow of cross-border trade amid the COVID-19 pandemic ahead of the start of trading under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on 1 January 2021.
29 November 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and Portulans Institute, a research and educational think tank based in Washington DC, have teamed up to launch the results and rankings of the think tank’s latest edition of the Network Readiness Report (NRI 2020) in a bid to assess how countries are leveraging information technologies for future-readiness.
29 November 2020
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (Cea) et l’Institut Portulans, un institut de recherche et d’enseignement basé à Washington D.C., s’associent pour lancer les résultats et les classements de la dernière édition du Rapport de préparation du réseau (Nri 2020), du groupe de réflexion évaluant comment les pays sont prêts à tirer parti des technologies de l’information pour...
28 November 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and Portulans Institute, a research and educational think tank based in Washington DC, have teamed up to launch the results and rankings of the think tank’s latest edition of the Network Readiness Report (NRI 2020) in a bid to assess how countries are leveraging information technologies for future readiness.
28 November 2020
Throughout the year 2019-2020 the world has been suffering from the threats of Covid-19 which has forced countries of the world to shift governance methods to tackle the pandemic and its impact on business. East African countries have been especially confronted with significant challenges as they have also been overwhelmed by locust infestation, flooding and other natural disasters this past year...
28 November 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and Portulans Institute, a research and educational think tank based in Washington DC, have teamed up to launch the results and rankings of the think tank’s latest edition of the Network Readiness Report (NRI 2020)
28 November 2020
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) et l’Institut Portulans, un institut de recherche et d’enseignement basé à Washington D.C., s’associent pour lancer les résultats et les classements de la dernière édition du Rapport de préparation du réseau (NRI 2020), du groupe de réflexion évaluant comment les pays sont prêts à tirer parti des technologies de l’information pour...
26 November 2020
The Eastern Africa region's labour market has been the worst hit on the continent from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as an estimated 38 million jobs lost. "When the COVID-19 pandemic sent the global economy into a recession, the East Africa region was not spared," according to a new report published on Wednesday by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), entitled...
26 November 2020
Le marché de l'emploi de la région d'Afrique de l'Est a été le plus durement touché du continent par l'impact de la pandémie de COVID-19, avec une perte estimée à quelque 38 millions d'emplois. "Lorsque la pandémie de COVID-19 a plongé l'économie mondiale dans la récession, la région d'Afrique de l'Est n'a pas été épargnée", indique un...
25 November 2020
A Zambian national has been elected to the position of Vice-President at the global body of statisticians. Oliver Chinganya becomes the first African to hold the position, he was elected Vice President for the period (2021-2025) of the International Statistical Institute-ISI.
25 November 2020
Nigeria’s quest to refine its white products got a lift yesterday, as President Muhammadu Buhari, inaugurated a 5,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery, and the groundbreaking for another 45,000 refineries expected to be completed within two years.
25 November 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Sub-Regional Office for West Africa, in partnership with the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, today virtually launched the proceedings of a meeting of West African Think Tanks and experts on the theme: "Generational Economy and Structural Transformation in COVID-19 era in West Africa".
25 November 2020
Tanzania is among four Eastern African countries projected to grow their economies this year as the continent is expected to go into recession prompted by Covid-19 pandemic. According to the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the other countries with their projected growth in brackets include Kenya (1.0 percent), Ethiopia (1.9 percent) and South Sudan (4.1 percent).
25 November 2020
Cette rencontre avec environ 150 participants, organisée par le Bureau sous-régional de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEA/SRO-WA), a permis aux experts africains d'explorer le lien entre la dynamique de la population et le développement durable et d'identifier les moyens d'aligner les changements de population en Afrique de l'Ouest avec les...
24 November 2020
« Économie générationnelle et transformation structurelle à l'ère COVID-19 en Afrique de l'Ouest », est le thème de la réunion du Groupe de réflexion et d'Experts 2020 ouverte ce 24 novembre en visioconférence.
