African Trade Policy Centre - Publications

Gender mainstreaming in African Continental Free Trade Area national implementation strategies
An inclusive and sustainable pathway towards gender equality in Africa
Implications for Inclusion and Human Rights
Assessing Regional Integration in Africa - ARIA IX
Next Steps for the African Continental Free Trade Area
The Case for the African Continental Free Trade Area
The AfCFTA, Africa’s trade flows and industrialization
Assessing Regional Integration in Africa VIII
Bringing The Continental Free Trade Area About
The role of Aid for Trade in boosting intra-African trade
The role of Aid for Trade in boosting intra-African trade
Eleventh World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference (Buenos Aires, December 2017) in the context of Africa’s Agenda 2063 and the Continental Free Trade Area
Eleventh World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference (Buenos Aires, December 2017) in the context of Africa’s Agenda 2063 and the Continental Free Trade Area
Smart industrialization through trade in the context of Africa’s transformation
Smart industrialization through trade in the context of Africa’s transformation
Enhancing gender equality with the Continental Free Trade Area
Enhancing gender equality with the Continental Free Trade Area
Assessing Regional Integration in Africa VII
Innovation, Competitiveness and Regional Integration
Building Trade Capacities for Africa’s Transformation
A critical review of Aid for Trade
The African Growth and Opportunity Act
An Empirical Analysis of the Possibilities Post-2015
ATPC Work in Progress No. 89
Report on a Survey of AGOA’s Past, Present and Future Prospects: The Experiences and Expectations of Sub-Saharan Africa
ATPC Work in Progress No. 88
Assessment of Gender Impacts of SADC Trade Protocal in Selected Countries
ATPC Work in Progress No. 86
Assessing the Impact of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on the Spread of HIV and vice versa in the SADC Region
ATPC Work in Progress No. 87
An Assessment of the Impact of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) on the SADC Regional Integration Process