Training of Trainers (ToT) on Large Scale Land Based Investments in Africa
The Overall objective of the training is to contribute to the implementation of the AU Declaration on land which specifically urges member states to “build adequate human, financial, technical capacities to support land policy development and implementation.
- Gain knowledge on the fundamentals of land policy, governance and administration In the context of Africa’s development,
- Understand the specific perspective of the Guiding principles of large scale land based investment through examining, challenges opportunities and best practices in selected African countries
- Familiarize participants with the AU Agenda on land, including the AU Declaration on land , the F&G and VGGT and implication for land governance and policy development
- facilitate experience sharing, peer learning and networking amongst large scale land administration directors and experts
- Develop follow-up actions with a view to making use of the guiding principles on LSLBI to influence investment policies in the land sector at country level.