Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on gender-responsive economic policy management

Announcement in Brief

Date : 29 October – 02 November 2018
Duration : 5 Days
Language : Bilingual (English & French)
Location : Dakar, Senegal
Programme Area : Gender and Economic Management
Fees : $2,000 (Excluding air travel and subsistence costs)
Scholarships : (IDEP offers a limited number of partial and full scholarships)
Application Deadline : 28 September 2018


The major goal of this Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop is to create a large pool of experts in the area of gender-responsive economic policy management. This pool of experts will be equipped to act as trainers for the two-week course on gender-responsive economic policy management organized for middle and senior African policymakers and which takes place on an annual basis at IDEP’s headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. Successful applicants may also be considered to be included in IDEP’s roster of gender experts.