Industrial Policy In Africa

Announcement in Brief

Date : 13- 24 May 2019
Duration : 2 weeks
Language : Bilingual (English & French)
Location : Dakar, Senegal
Programme Area :Industrial Policy
Fee : $2,500 (Excluding air travel and subsistence costs)
Scholarships: Yes (IDEP offers a limited number of partial and full scholarships) 
Application Deadline : 05 April 2019


The aim of the course is to strengthen the capacity of the relevant officials of African countries to design, implement, monitor and evaluate the efficacy of appropriate industrial policies to facilitate structural transformation of the economies of the continent. The specific objectives of the course are:

  • Strengthen the understanding of participating officials on the core challenges of industrialization within the context of global competitiveness;
  • Reinforce the capacity of participants to develop the analytical frameworks for the design of a competitive industrial economy;
  • Contribute to a greater awareness on the range of issues related to the creation of an enabling environment for the development and growth of industrial SME’s in Africa;
  • Provide comparative knowledge of successful Asian and Latin American industrialization experiences to participants with a view to drawing appropriate lessons for the African environment;
  • Update the knowledge of participants on core conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues in industrial policy design and implementation; and
  • Update the skills of participants on the core instruments of industrial policy formulation, monitoring, and evaluation.