Land Policy Initiative

Experts Develop Draft Guidelines on Land, Ethnicity and Conflict in Africa

Nairobi, Kenya, 17 May 2019 - Experts from all regions of Africa have met from 6-11, May 2019 and developed guidelines to prevent and address land, ethnicity and conflict in Africa. The Guidelines are expected to support the implementation of inclusive land policies and land governance practices as key factors in conflict prevention, peace building and sustainable development.

The Writeshop to prepare the guidelines was organized by the AUC-ECA-AfDB African Land Policy Center (ALPC), with the financial support of the Swiss Development Corporation (SDC).


“Strategic Framework for Integrated Application of Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security and the AU Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa”


“Strategic Framework for Integrated Application of Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security and the AU Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa”

Expert Group Meeting


Steering Committee commends the African Land Policy Centre for building synergies of partner initiatives on land governance in Africa

Addis Ababa, 09 November 2018 (ECA) - The second Steering Committee Meeting for the AU-ECA-AfDB African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) for 2018 was held at the African Union headquarters on 09 November 2018.


ALPC Steering Committee Meeting

The Steering Committee will examine: progress in the implementation of the previous decisions of the Steering Committee held in June 1, 2018 and the 2019 ALPC Work Plan, including fund utilization. The meeting will also review and provide guidance on reports on programs of RECs and other partners in implementing the AU agenda on land, reflect on emerging issues and challenges, provide strategic guidance on any other matters related to implementation of the AU declaration on land.


ALPC Partners Meeting

The ALPC partners meeting will be held on 7-8 November 2018 to take stock of progress in the development and implementation of joint projects on land policy and governance in Africa between the ALPC and its key implementing partners. 

The meeting will identify and agree on priority programmatic/ thematic areas and stakeholders that would be part of the 2019 work plan, examine and provide inputs to the ALPC Strategic business Plan (2018-2022).


Briefing of the African Permanent Representatives in Rome on the implementation of the AU Declaration on Land in Africa

The African Land Policy centre has organized a briefing session for the African Permanent Representatives in Rome, together with IFAD managers/senior officers and other partners on the African Union Declaration on Land issues and challenges in Africa. The meeting will take place on the margins of the Annual Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), and has been scheduled on Thursday, 18 October from 9:30 to 11:00 am in IFAD (C500 conference room).


Stakeholders in Malawi undergo training to domesticate Guidelines on Large Scale Land Based Investments

Lilongwe, Malawi, 10 October 2018 (ECA): In response to a request from the Government of Malawi, the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development undertook a two-day training to support key stakeholders facilitate equitable, efficient, and sustainable LSLBI in accordance with the African Union Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges and the African Union Guiding Principles on LSLBI.

