Land Policy Initiative

Training on Efficient, Equitable and Sustainable Large Scale Land Based Investments (LSLBIs) as per the African Union Guiding Principles on LSLBI

The training on Efficient, Equitable and Sustainable Large Scale Land Based Investments (LSLBIs) as per the African Union Guiding Principles on LSLBI is designed to support the Government of Malawi facilitate efficient, equitable and sustainable LSLBI in accordance with the AU Declaration on Land and the AU Guiding Principles on Large Scale Land Based Investments. Specifically, the training seeks to strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders to negotiate, enforce and monitor large scale land based investments in line with regional land governance commitments, frameworks and tools. 


Short Course: The Political Economy of Land Governance in Africa

The African Land Policy Center in collaboration with the University of Western Cape ( PLAAS) is organizing a short term training course entitled; The political economy of land governance in Africa.The course will be held in Cape town, South Africa from 7-13th October 2018  

For participation and other details of the course, please see the poster :



Discussion forum at the Global Landscapes Forum-2018

This Discussion Forum brings together experts from different organizations (the African Union, UN-Economic Commission for Africa, FAO, CIFOR and the CGIAR) to discuss the links between land governance, land use planning and tenure rights in the context of landscape restoration across different land uses. While previous discussion forums have highlighted the importance of tenure security on reforestation, land use and land use planning has remained outside this debate, yet there is good scope for land use planning processes to strengthen the tenure rights of groups and individuals.


Stakeholders to gather for Advocacy and Communication Training on land governance issues

Addis Abab, 26 June 2018 (ECA) - Stakeholders working on land governance issues will assemble in Addis Ababa for a 2-day communication and advocacy training workshop organized by the African Land Policy Centre under the auspices of a joint ALCP/IFAD project on “Mainstreaming Land Policy and Governance in CAADP National Agricultural and Food Security Investment Plan”.


LPI Steering Committee Meeting

The Steering Committee will examine: progress in the implementation of the previous decisions of the Steering Committee held in November 2017 and the 2017 LPI Work Plan, including fund utilization. The meeting will also review and provide guidance on reports on programs of RECs and other partners in implementing the AU agenda on land, reflect on emerging issues and challenges, provide strategic guidance on any other matters related to implementation of the AU declaration on land.


ALPC Partners Meeting

The ALPC partners meeting will be held on 30-31 May 2018 to take stock of progress in the development and implementation of joint projects on land policy and governance between the ALPC and its key implementing partners. The meeting will identify and agree on priority programmatic/ thematic areas and stakeholders that would be part of the 2018 work plan, examine and provide inputs to the ALPC Strategic business Plan (2018-2022).


Expert Group Meeting to validate Report on “Training Needs Assessment of Land Policy Makers, Practitioners and other Stakeholders in Africa”

The African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) formerly the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) was undertaking a training needs assessment of land policy makers, practitioners and other stakeholders in partnership with PLAAS, the Institute of Land and Agrarian Studies of the University of Western Cape, to identify the capacity gaps and propose key areas for tailored short training courses on land governance. This process aimed at proposing a response to the dynamism of land use and institutional change in Africa by enhancing capacity and especially skills of the land sector professionals.


Malawi takes steps to strengthen land governance in agriculture programmes

Lilongwe, Malawi, 8 March 2018 (ECA) - Malawi’s land stakeholders have agreed to ensure land governance issues are mainstreamed in the Malawi’s National Agriculture Investment Plan. Convened by the Africa Land Policy Centre (ALPC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development and Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, the stakeholders discussed priority issues and identified roles and responsibilities for ensuring that key issues in the NAIP are tackled effectively.


Land and Poverty Conference 2018

The Land and Poverty conference will present the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions, and innovations in the land sector around the world. The 2018 conference theme will be: Land Governance in an Interconnected World

The conference has become one of the largest international events on land governance, attracting over 1,300 participants in 2017 from governments, academics, civil society, and the private sector. The African Land Policy Centre will be leading a number of side events aimed at bringing unique perspectives to the global discussion.

