Atelier de formation de formateurs en gestion de projets à l'intention des agents du du ministère des Finances et de l'Économie de la Gambie, du 10 au 15 Banjul (Gambie)

Après un atelier de formation de formateurs fructueux sur : « Gestion axée sur les résultats» l'année dernière pour appuyer la mise en œuvre de son nouveau plan national  de développement (2018-2021), la Gambie, par le biais de la Direction de la planification du développement du ministère des Finances et de l'Économie, a  de  nouveau demandé à l’Institut africain de développement économique et de planification (IDEP), cette année d’organiser un nouveau cours sur mesure en «Gestion de projet».


IDEP gives tailor-made training to build capacity of Gambia’s development planners

After a successful tailor-made Training of Trainers in “Results Based Management” last year to the support the implementation of its new National Development Plan (2018-2021), the Gambia through the Directorate of Development Planning, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs has again requested this year to the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP), for a new tailor-made course in “Project Management”.


IDEP and African Ambassadors accredited to Senegal celebrate Africa Day: What sustainable solutions to forced migration in Africa ?

Dakar, May 23, 2019 - In preparation for the celebration of the International Day of Africa, the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) organized on Thursday, May 23, 2019 in Dakar, a high-level conference-debate on the theme "Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced: Towards Sustainable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa". The meeting, which brought together members of the African Group of the Diplomatic Corps, and their accredited European counterparts in Senegal, as well as repr


Theme: "Refugees, Returnees, and Internally Displaced: Towards Sustainable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa"

Dakar, 23 May 2019 – As we approach the celebration of the Africa Day, the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) convenes, on May 23rd 2019, a high-level Conference-debate about the African Union (AU) theme for the year 2019. This conference which is organized at the request of the African Group of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Senegal is part of the IDEP Development Seminar Series.


Evaluating Public Policy

The course aims at sensitizing participants on the need to put in place an effective framework for evaluating public policies. In this regard, participants will be exposed to the experience of Malaysia in public policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation through some case studies.


Training of Trainers Workshop on African Regional Integration Index: Its Use for Policy Development and Analysis

The major goal of this Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop is to create a large pool of experts in the measure of African regional integration. Specifically, the course aims at deepening the knowledge of participants on the African Regional Integration Index.




Preparing for tomorrow’s employment: a revolution of mentalities is needed

Marrakech, 29 March 2019 (ECA) - Are Africa's education systems adapted to the needs of tomorrow? The answer is probably no, presently. While Africa is not the only region in the world that has to review its strategies or face the loss of more than one out of ten existing jobs to the digital revolution, it is now necessary for African decision makers to completely reconsider the logic of current education and vocational training systems, and even dare to experiment in order, to increase job seekers’ chances of meeting the requirements of tomorrow's job descriptions.

