Fiscal Policy for Financing Sustainable Development In Africa

The course will provide a strategic and multi-sectoral approach to how government revenue (taxes and non-tax), spending and public debt can be marshalled in pursuit of sustainable development goals in Africa. It will provide a robust assessment of the role of fiscal policy in financing sustainable development in Africa and evidence-based reference material for policymakers and other stakeholders on harnessing fiscal policy finance for Africa’s sustainable development.


IDEP Working Papers - Which big data for Africa ?

The amount of digital information in the world is growing exponentially, doubling approximately every two years. With the Internet-of-Things, this will move even faster. In 2012, there were less than 9 billion devices connected to the internet. In 2020, some say this number will be more than 50 billion. In 2025, McKinsey expects this number to have increased to 1 trillion. All these devices will be connected; all will be sending data to the cloud. Buckminster Fuller indicated that in 2015, mankind produced as much information as was created in all previous years of human civilization.

Master of Philosophy (MPHIL) Degree Programme in Industrial Policy 2020 - Call for Applications and Nominations

The African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) and the University of Johannesburg are pleased to announce their pan-African postgraduate training in Industrial Policy, and invite applications and nominations for admission in February 2020. The course has been developed as a joint IDEP- UJ offering to serve the needs of African countries at a time when industrial policy has re-emerged alongside national development planning and regional integration as a core strategy for achieving structural transformation across the continent.


Launch of a capacity building workshop on the evaluation of public policies in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Kuala Lumpur,  July 29 to August 02 , 2019 – African high level officials working in Evaluating public policy are participating in a five-day Training on  this topic. The training is jointly organized by the Institute of Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the National institute of Public Administration (INTAN) and the Malaysian Technical cooperation (MTCP)programme.

IDEP has selected twenty high level officials  from  20 countries with  balance representation of each African region.


IDEP Policy Brief 002/18 - Prospects and challenges of floriculture industry in the context of agricultural transformation in Africa : Evidence from Ethiopia

This brief aims to answer whether the Ethiopian cutflower industry can be a positive example of sustainable agriculture. Using the theoretical framework of sustainability along agricultural commodity chains,dataarecollectedfromframers(growers), state experts, greenhouse workers, and consumers through in-depth interviews. The overall result reveals that the current production practices are failed to satisfy two of the main criteria for sustainability.

IDEP Policy Brief 001/18 - Land access and households wellbeing in Cameroon: does gender matter?

This paper was prepared during a post-doc visiting fellowship of Eric Patrick FEUB IPAMEN from the University of Yaounde 2-Soa ( LAREM, Cameroon) f und by the United Nations Institute for Development Economics (UNIDEP) within the framework of the 2017 Tajudeen Abdulraheem visiting fellowship for policy researchers in development policies. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between land access and household wellbeing in Cameroon. The main research question of this study is : What is the effect of land access on household’s wellbeing in Cameroon?
