IDEP to host webinar on efficient macroeconomic planning in light of COVID-19

Dakar, Senegal, May 6, 2020 (ECA) – The Institute of Development and Economic Planning (IDEP) is this Thursday hosting a webinar to provide a platform for high level participants to discuss the various challenges African countries are facing and propose possible tailor-made responses to address efficient economic planning in the context of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


Online Course Making the African Continental Free trade Area (AFCFTA) Work


At the end the course, participants will be provided not only a general and comprehensive overview of regional trade agreement, but also the various steps needed and the role of various stakeholders including the media and private sector and other non-state actors to make it a success. A particular emphasis should be put on the development of national strategies to fully utilize the opportunities of AfCFTA.
At the end of this online course, participants should be able to:


IDEP Policy Brief 007/18 - Understanding the Relationship between Health and Education for Development in Nigeria, by Dr Kalu Christopher

The study identified three types of causalities between health and education in Nigeria. The first is the no evidence causality between primary school enrolment, secondary school enrolment, literacy rate and out-of-pocket expenditure. This implies that there is no policy adjustment in any of the variables that could influence the other and again there is no relationship between the variables. This is majorly as a result of high out-of-pocket health expenditure in Nigeria which is capable of making households incur catastrophic health expenditure and exacerbating poverty.

ECA and Partners Convene Capacity Building Workshop on Infrastructure delivery and PPPs in West Africa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 20 November 2019 (ECA) – The Economic Commission for Africa and its partners the Global Infrastructure Hub and the African Development Bank will convene A workshop from 26 – 28 November 2019 in Dakar, Senegal. The workshop is a part of ongoing efforts by the ECA to respond to the overwhelming demand by member States for increased mobilization of stakeholders to advocate for, standardize, capacitate and support the development of PPPs in Africa, taking into consideration the unique situations and needs of the Continent.


Online Course Agricultural Policy in Africa

Agriculture is the mainstay of nearly two-thirds of Africans. In addition to being an important source of individual and household incomes, it also constitutes the bedrock of most national economies. Agricultural production and the domestic trade in agricultural products are central to the functioning of local markets, the fight against poverty, the provision of employment, and the quest for greater national food security.

