Strengthening women’s access to climate information services crucial to improve their ability to adapt to climate risks

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 6, 2020 (ECA) – The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) on Thursday hosted a webinar in which participants discussed ways through which member States and institutions can strengthen the engagement of women in climate information and services (CIS) which they can utilize to support the CIS value chain for the benefit of their countries and communities.


Online course: Financing Social Investment to Meet SDG and Agenda 2063 in Africa


The course will introduce the fundamentals of social investment and developing a business strategy that drives financing social investment. Learners will enhance their knowledge and skill on social protection and social services the state of key social services in Africa, Social Investment in the context of SDGs and Agenda 2063, monitoring social investment in Africa and financing social investment in Africa: policy and strategy.

At the end of the course, participants will have:


Webinar discusses coronavirus impact on macroeconomic planning

Dakar, Senegal, May 7, 2020 (ECA) - The ongoing coronavirus crisis is making economic planners rethink the world’s economy and macroeconomic planning, from both regional and country perspectives, says Institute of Economic and Development Planning (IDEP) Director, Ms. Karima Ben Soltane.

In remarks during a webinar on “Principles of macroeconomic planning: sustainability and health emergencies” held May 7 in the context of African responses to the current global crisis, Ms. Soltane said leaving no one behind meant adapting to the present to ensure an inclusive future.

