Dakar, 23 May 2019 – As we approach the celebration of the Africa Day, the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) convenes, on May 23rd 2019, a high-level Conference-debate about the African Union (AU) theme for the year 2019. This conference which is organized at the request of the African Group of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Senegal is part of the IDEP Development Seminar Series.
The AU proclaimed the year 2019; "Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Sustainable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa" coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Kampala Refugee Convention, the first binding legal instrument on refugees.
More than a third of the 68 million forcibly displaced people in the world are in Africa[1] Conflicts, human rights violations, natural disasters, serious public health problems, humanitarian crisis, etc. are potential causes of forced displacement of African people. By adopting a 2018-2030 Migration Policy framework and an action plan for its implementation, African leaders recognized the need for holistic, inclusive responses to migration’s major trends and its dynamics on our continent. It is a framework that should guide migration management in African Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs). Forced displacement is one of the pillars of the AU Migration Policy framework for Africa.
The overall objective of this high-level diplomatic conference is to deepen the reflection on the root causes of forced displacement in Africa, discuss its consequences and propose sustainable solutions.
The conference shall regroup ambassadors from the African Group of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Senegal and their counterparts from other continents, high-level officials, representatives of international organizations, as well as academics and researchers working on issues related to the continent's development.
Date and venue of the conference
Thursday 23 May 2019 from 9.00 to 13.30 in IDEP conference room.
Contacts : Zeynabou KANE : 33.829.55.24 ; z.kane@unidep.org ; Lou Nan Pierrette ZAH : 33.829.55.14 ; p.zah@unidep.org
[1] AU Concept Note on theme of the Year on “Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced: Towards Sustainable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa”