African Climate Policy Centre

At COP22, UN Regional Economic Commissions debate the Economics of Climate change

Marrakesh, 18 November 2016 (ECA) - “African economic growth and development are seriously at risk from runaway climate change”, said ECA’s Acting Executive Secretary Abdalla Hamdok, Tuesday 15 November in a debate with the heads of the UN regional commissions, on Economics of Climate Change.

Despite being one of the least polluting regions of the world, Africa is expected to be among the ones that will suffer the most from climate change.


Africa Day at COP22: African leaders demonstrate commitment and action to address climate change

Marrakech, Morocco, 16 November 2016 - African Heads of State and Government marked Africa Day in the Africa Pavilion at the UNFCCC 22nd Conference of Parties (COP22) today with focused and strategic discussion on the ratification and roll out of the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the key continental initiatives to support member states’ efforts.


Climdev's ambitious agenda to require strong support and partnerships - Abdalla Hamdok

Marrakesh, Morocco, 15 November 2016 - Partners of the Climate Information for Development in Africa initiative (ClimDev-Africa), outlined an ambitious second phase business plan to foster and support climate-sensitive development in Africa.

ClimDev-Africa, a joint programme of the African Union Commission (AUC), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) presented components of the new business plan at a side event at the Africa Pavilion at COP 22.


Africa Day: Moving from Commitment to Action with NDCs in Africa

What:  The Africa Day at COP22 will be commemorated on Wednesday, 16 November, 2016 at the Africa Pavilion and UNFCCC side event. The day provides a platform that brings together African leaders and policymakers into a dialogue to chart a course regarding the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Africa Day will therefore serve as an opportunity for the continent to discuss and showcase how it plans to sensitize, advocate for the ratification and roll out the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


Scaling up climate policy and solutions requires "enabling environment"

Marrakech, Morocco 9 November, 2016 (ECA)- An African development pathway that could propel climate-resilient economic growth is possible if an enabling environment that promotes innovation and collaborative actions for climate change solutions is put into place, concluded a side event themed " innovations and African collaborative approaches for transformative climate policy solutions"  at COP22 today.

