African Climate Policy Centre

Policy Brief 10 : Fossil Fuels in Africa in a Carbon Constrained Future

Africa has substantial reserves of fossil fuel resources. These include about 9.5% of the total global proven reserves of crude oil, 8% of natural gas reserves, and 4% of coal reserves. Much of the fossil fuel in Africa is either exported or has not yet been developed for use within Africa. Despite its huge energy resources, Africa is still faced with enormous energy challenges, including low access by many to modern energy, insufficient energy infrastructure, low efficiency, and lack of institutional and technical capacity to make use of its huge resources.

Policy Brief 9 : Bio-Energy for Africa: Opportunities, Constraints and Trade-Offs

Bio-energy, which refers to all fuels derived from biomass, is the largest single source of renewable energy. The proportion of bio-energy in some developing countries exceeds 90% of their primary energy supply. Bioenergy is an essential energy option for a wide-range of applications, and it will remain an important source of energy in most developing countries for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the current utilisation of bio-energy in Africa is unsustainable and inefficient. About 65% of Africans rely on traditional biomass for cooking. Most of these people live in rural areas.

Policy Brief 8 : Renewable Energy and Climate Change: Exploring the Policy Options for Africa

Lack of access to energy services is one of the main constraints to economic development in Africa. Only about 31% of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa has access to electricity, and only 14% has access in rural areas. Compounding the challenge, traditional biomass supplies up to 85% of primary energy supply and accounts for 80% of energy consumption. With low energy efficiency, limited installed generation capacity, and weak governance institutions in the energy sector, energy security in Africa has become a critical concern.

Policy Brief 7 : Agricultural Water Management in the Context of Climate Change in Africa

Climate change is likely to intensify the current challenges of water scarcity and water competition within and between communities and nations, particularly in those countries linked by transboundary aquifers and rivers. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has indicated that climate change is impacting Sub-Saharan Africa more than any other continent because its economies are largely based on weather sensitive croplivestock and agro-pastoral production systems.

African Youth climate change

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The Paris Agreement lays out long-term ambitions for climate change response and urges the engagement of non-State actors, especially young people, in the solution space. This development is a significant shift in promoting equity and intergenerational participation that necessitates a framework for enhancing youth preparedness for national climate response actions.

Africa Partnership Facility for NDC

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) are the cornerstone of the Paris Agreement, and aim to limit the increase in global average temperature, to below 2°C, and preferably below 1.5°C. Building on the Paris Agreement, Parties are now turning their intentions into concrete contributions. As countries move beyond simple expressions of intent, there are potential complexities and intricacies in the implementation of nationally determined contributions, for which facilitation and coordination will be crucial in Africa.

World leaders at COP 22 commit to urgent collective efforts to address climate change

Marrakech, Morocco 18 November, 2016 (ECA) - Heads of State and Government and delegations gathered here for the High-Level Segment of the 22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, have sent a strong signal on climate change with the adoption of the Marrakech Action Proclamation for Climate and Sustainable Development. The President of COP22, who is also the Foreign Minister of Morocco, Salaheddine Mezouar introduced the document to the plenary on the evening of 17 November.

