African Climate Policy Centre

ECA’s Denton urges Africa to enhance uptake and use of Climate Information Services

Addis Ababa, 27 October 2017 (ECA) – African countries should fully integrate Climate Information Services (CIS) into their policies, plans, programmes and practice, says Ms. Fatima Denton, Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Special Initiatives Division Director.

Speaking during the opening session of a workshop to mark Climate Information Services Day held in Addis Ababa Friday under the theme ‘Enhancing Uptake and Use of CIS in Development Planning in Africa’, Ms. Denton said CIS has not been sufficiently applied for the reduction of poverty on the continent.


ACPC’s Murombedzi urges Africa to mainstream climate information services into development policies

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26 October 2017 (ECA) – Africa’s core economic sectors are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate variability and change, says James Murombedzi, Officer in Charge of the Economic Commission for Africa’s African Climate Policy Center (ACPC).

Speaking at the beginning of a two-day Training of Trainers workshop in Addis Ababa, Mr. Murombedzi said it is crucial for the continent to mainstream climate information services into development policy, plans and processes.


Green approach to closing Africa’s huge infrastructure gap has immense benefits, says ECA’s Mofor

Addis Ababa, 23 October 2017 (ECA) - Following a green approach to closing Africa’s huge infrastructure gap can create public and private value with co-benefits across a diverse range of stakeholders and goals, says Linus Mofor, Senior Environmental Affairs Officer for Energy, Infrastructure and Climate Change at the ECA’s African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC).


US withdrawal from Paris Agreement will impact developing nations, says ECA’s Murombedzi

Addis Ababa, 11 October 2017 (ECA) – The withdrawal of the United States from Paris Agreement will have massive implications on US support to the financing of climate actions in the developing world, says James Murombedzi, Coordinator of the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).


Urgent action needed to address infrastructure deficit in Africa, says ECA’s Mofor

Addis Ababa, 12 September 2017 (ECA) – Africa needs modern and sustainable infrastructure if the continent is to transform its economies and attain development aspirations as framed in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Africa’s Agenda 2063, says Linus Mofor of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).


The African Climate Policy Centre retools to strengthen the implementation of the Paris Agreement for Africa’s transformation.

(G20 - Hamburg 2017) Africa’s development agenda is framedby the UN 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment and the continent’s widerdevelopment blueprint – Agenda 2063.Attaining the development objectives captured in these agenda cannot be done without responding appropriately to thechallenges and opportunities posed byclimate change; a new climate economyapproach is required – i.e. one in whicheconomic growth and sustainability areseen as two sides of the same coin. 


Statistical gaps hampering Africa’s development says ECA official

Addis Ababa, May 26, 2017 (ECA) – Statistical gaps are hampering Africa’s development and transformation, Bartholomew Armah of the Economic Commission for Africa’s Renewal of Planning Section in the Macro-Economic Policy Division, says in the progress report assessing the level of adaptation of Agendas 2030 and 2063 into national development plans.

