
Established in 1963, the IDEP Library has been at the forefront of providing quality information and documentation services to a large and diversified audience the Institute’s trainees, research and teaching staff involved in various institutional programmes, visiting fellows, government officials, university academics, postgraduate students, and the general reading public. The library is home to the most original collection of development documents concerning postcolonial Africa.

IDEP’s Short Course Reiterates the Central Role of Regional Integration in African Industrial Development

Dakar, Senegal, 28 May 2013 (IDEP) - According to the 2013 Economic Report on Africa on making the most of Africa’s Commodities, the key challenge for  African  countries  today  is  how  to  design and implement effective policies  to promote industrialization and economic transformation. In line with its mandate, IDEP effectively participates in this promotion through its short course on “Industrial Policy in Africa” whose 2013 edition concluded this month at the headquarters of the institute in Dakar, Senegal.


IDEP’s Short Course Reiterates the Central Role of Regional Integration in African Industrial Development

Dakar, Senegal,  28 May  2013  (IDEP) - According to the 2013 Economic Report on Africa on making the most of Africa’s Commodities, the key challenge for  African  countries  today  is  how  to  design and implement effective policies  to promote  industrialization and economic transformation. In line with its mandate, IDEP effectively participates in this promotion through its short course on “Industrial Policy in Africa” whose 2013 edition concluded this  month at the headquarters of the institute in Dakar, Senegal.


Africa Needs Skills and Data to Better Evaluate, Monitor and Post-evaluate Development Projects and Programmes

Dakar, 18 June 2013 (IDEP) - There exist significant challenges in many development projects and programmes implemented in Africa, irrespective of the sector, from the design to the operational stages.Monitoring and evaluation is cited as a major weakness in the management of projects and programmes in Africa. Measurable objectives, indicators, methods for the measurement of benefits and the determination of costs, funding sources are examples of factors crucial in evaluating a project or a programme that are often lacking in many African countries.


Equipping Africans towards an effective Industrial Policy

Dakar, 19 June 2013 (IDEP) - The 2013 edition of IDEP’s short course on Industrial Policy in Africa opened on 10th of June at the Headquarters of the Institute in Dakar, Senegal.

This two-week short course addresses current issues in this sector that must be addressed, in order to attain industrialization. These include the need for electricity, infrastructure, water, long-time financing.

It was also emphasized during the opening ceremony that Africa is not where it should  and that the path to industrialization requires knowledge of how to proceed.


Capacity Development and Training Programme

Capacity development and training have been a critical and central component of the work at IDEP from the time of its establishment. Indeed, it is at the heart of the Institute’s mandate and mission. It is a function which the Institute has carried out over the years with a strong emphasis on senior and middle level career officials drawn mainly from the executive arm of governments across the continent. Most of the training programmes offered at the Institute are anchored around economic management and development planning.

Strategic Vision 2010 - 2015

Underpinning the work which IDEP proposes to carry out over the period 2010-2015 is a vision of the institute as the pre-eminent and acknowledged site in Africa for advanced capacity development and renewal in economic development management and planning for mid-career and senior policy makers at the national, sub-regional and regional levels.

Programmes and Projects

Capacity Development and Training Programme

Capacity development and training have been a critical and central component of the work at IDEP from the time of its establishment. Indeed, it is at the heart of the Institute’s mandate and mission. It is a function which the Institute has carried out over the years with a strong emphasis on senior and middle level career officials drawn mainly from the executive arm of governments across the continent. Most of the training programmes offered at the Institute are anchored around economic management and development planning.
