Clarion call for all ECOWAS member-states to accede to APRM – Africa’s flagship governance programme

Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), 28 Nov 2016 (ECA/APRM/ECOWAS) - At the opening of the West Africa regional workshop on the Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) this morning in the Ivorian capital, a clear call was made for the four countries in the sub-region yet to adhere to the initiative to do so, as the APRM is a « great tool for good governance » that can speed up their development.


Experts to discuss governance of extractive sector

Addis Ababa, 07 December 2015 (ECA) – Africa makes most of its money from its natural resources yet the paradox that resource-rich countries have produced resource-poor populations persists. A large part of the funds siphoned from Africa through illicit transaction is derived from this sector.

The extractive industry- oil and gas extraction, mining, quarrying and dredging - can be a catalyst for economic growth and development but it is a notoriously difficult sector to govern.


Expert Group Meeting to Review the Study on Mainstreaming the Governance of the Extractive Sectors in the African Peer Review Mechanism Process

The Expert Group Meeting to review the Study on Mainstreaming the Governance of the Extractive Sectors in the African Peer Review Mechanism Process will be held 16-17 December 2015, in Lagos Nigeria. Following the outcome from APRM country self-assessment reports ECA, as an APRM Strategic Partner, initiated a series of studies on APRM systemic and structural issues in 2010.


Training workshop on African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Questionnaire and Methodologies

The workshop took place from 28 to 30 April 2015. Its main objective was to ensure a credible, competent, transparent and inclusive process by training key national stakeholders, such as members of theadvisory committee of the National Governance Commission, technical research institutes, the secretariat, and national focal points responsible for the promotion of good governance.

