Expert Group Meeting - The Continental Level Monitoring-Evaluation and Reporting System

The Continental Level Monitoring-Evaluation and Reporting System will outline the essential processes and procedures necessary in managing an efficient and effective implementation of the NPoA and the Recommendations of the country Review Reports. The system will achieve this by using robust tools and systems to provide reliable feedback in real-time or at regular intervals on the progress achieved towards the implementation of NPoA and other APRM Programmes.


Expert Group Meeting to validate the APRM Study on Major Bottlenecks Facing Africa

Upon the request of the APRM Continental Secretariat, an expert group meeting is being organized to validate the APRM Study on Major Bottlenecks Facing Africa, in Kigali, Rwanda from 14 to 15 September 2017. The expert group meeting is jointly organized by the APRM Continental Secretariat and the Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).


Workshop to harmonize Tanzania’s APRM plan into national development plan held in Zanzibar

Zanzibar, Tanzania, 31 August 2017 (ECA) - The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in collaboration with the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Continental Secretariat and the Tanzanian APRM national governing commission, recently organized a national workshop to provide technical assistance and skills to national civil servants working in planning authorities, finance, budget and other government departments.


Workshop on “Harmonizing the Tanzanian APRM National Plan of Action (NPoA) with the National Development Plans”

Upon the request of the Government of Tanzania which was addressed to ECA through the APRM Continental Secretariat, a national workshop is being organized on how to harmonize the NPoA with existing development strategies and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) in Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania from 24 to 25 August 2017

The workshop is co-organized by the APRM Secretariat and the Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in close collaboration with the Tanzanian APRM authorities (National Governing Council and National Focal Point).


ECA will continue to support African Peer Review Mechanism, says Abdalla Hamdok

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,16 March 2017 (ECA) – Economic Commission for Africa’s Acting Executive Secretary, Abdalla Hamdok, on Thursday met with the Chief Executive Officer of the African Peer Review Mechanism, Edward Maloka, APRM Panel of Eminent Persons member Youssouf Khayed, and their teams to discuss joint projects being undertaken by the two institutions in their quest to encourage conformity in political, economic and corporate governance values, codes and standards among African nations.


ECA and African Peer Review Mechanism sign MoU for improved cooperation

Addis Ababa, 28 January 2017 (ECA) – The Economic Commission for Africa’sActing Executive Secretary, Abdalla Hamdok, on Saturday signed a Memorandum of Understating with the African Peer Review Mechanism to establish a continuous partnership in support of the objectives and priorities of the African Union and the United Nations.


Insights into structural transformation are useful for Africa’s governance

Abidjan, 29 Nov 2016 (ECA/APRM/ECOWAS) – Understanding Africa’s development imperatives, especially structural transformation (which involves dynamically moving from low-value agrarian economic structures to productive agriculture, manufacturing and quality services), is as primordial for any attempt to review the continent’s governance posture, as it is for making development policy choices.


Tous les Etats membres de la CEDEAO appelés à adhérer au MAEP – programme phare de gouvernance en Afrique

Abidjan (Côte d’ivoire), le 28 nov. 2016 - (CEA/MAEP/CEDAO) A l’ouverture de l’atelier régional pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest sur le Mécanisme Africain d’Evaluation par les Pairs (MAEP) ce matin dans la capitale de la Côte d’ivoire, un appel clair a été lancé à l’endroit de quatre Etats membres de la sous-région qui n’ont pas en encore accédé à l’initiative, de le faire, car le MAEP est un « bel outil de la bonne gouvernance » susceptible d’accélérer le développent.

