West Africa

West Africa’s experts appreciate and salute the remarkable work of ECA

Dakar, 29 February 2016  (ECA) - The Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for West Africa meeting was held from 25 to 26 February 2016 in Dakar, under chairmanship of His Excellency Mr. Birima Mangara, Minister designate a the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Planning in charge of Budget and in the presence of the Director of the ECA Sub-Regional Office for West Africa, Mr. Dimitri Sanga.


West African Economic and Monetary Union and ECA strengthen their cooperation in statistics

Niamey, 11 February 2016 (ECA/SRO-WA) - A delegation from the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) Commission, conducted by Mr. Bakary Sacko, Chief Statistician of the Statistics Centre of this institution, led a mission to the Sub-Regional Office for West Africa of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA/SRO-WA). This mission is part of the cooperation framework between the two organisations on the production of statistical data.


The empowerment of women at the center of discussions between ECA and Niger

Niamey, 29 January 2016 (ECA/SRO-WA) - The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Government of Niger proceeded to launch the process of preparing the African Gender and Development Index (AGDI). The ceremony gathered over thirty participants from diverse government institutions in Niger and was chaired by Mr. Zoumari Issa Kallekoye, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Population, the Advancement of Women and the Protection of Children. Mr. Dimitri Sanga, the Director of ECA’s sub-regional office for West Africa attended this event.


Ad hoc Meeting of Experts from West Africa

Niamey, January 6, 2016 (ECA/SRO-WA). An Ad hoc Meeting of Experts from West Africa on “Innovative financing for the structural transformation of the West African economies” will be held on February 23-24, 2016 at the King Fahd Hotel in Dakar. It is being organised by the West Africa Sub-Regional Office of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Senegal, together with the Regional Economic Communities (REC).


19th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) - West Africa

Niamey, January 6, 2016 (ECA/SRO-WA).The 19th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) for West Africa will be held on February 25-26, 2016 at the King Fahd Hotel in Dakar (Senegal). It is being organised by the Sub-Regional Office for West Africa of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the Government of the Republic of Senegal, in collaboration with the Regional Economic Communities (RECs).


Tracking progress on macroeconomic policy and institutional convergence

In this era of globalization, regional integration appears inevitable in order to expand economic opportunities in Africa, since larger markets allow for better use of economies of scale. In addition, the mobility of factors across borders, as well as the coordination and harmonization of monetary and fiscal policies, all facilitate faster economic growth and higher levels of well-being for the participating countries. It is for this purpose that ECOWAS was established in West Africa.

Gender mainstreaming into Food Security Initiatives

This report is the first building block of a large initiative aiming to integrate the gender dimension into the West African fight for food security. The core of the project is the introduction of the “gender mainstreaming approach” as a means to support human and economic progress in the subregion.

The present work has mainly consisted to assess at which extent West African Intergovernmental Organizations’ (WAIGOs’) initiatives on food security take into account the gender dimension, and to identify potential related gaps.

Progress towards regional integration in West Africa

ECOWAS is the main regional economic community in West Africa wherein the continental integration process, as advocated by the African Union, should take shape. All fifteen (15) countries of the sub-region are members thereof.  The objectives of ECOWAS are to promote cooperation and integration in the economic, social and cultural domains. This is a process which should ultimately lead to an economic and monetary union, through a full integration of the national economies of its Member states, enhanced living standards and greater economic stability.
