North Africa

ECA and UMA plan joint work to achieve regional integration

Rabat, 7 December 2016 (ECA): The Economic Commission for Africa (Office for North Africa) and the General Secretariat of the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA) held Tuesday 6 December in Rabat a bilateral, exchange and consultation meeting.

“Our purpose was first to take stock of the work we have done over the last two years, which have been characterised by many achievements, and, second, to schedule events and activities to help step up economic integration in Maghreb countries,” said Reda El Merini, Director of Economic Affairs at the UMA General Secretariat.


Reviving the Arab Maghreb Union is necessary to strengthen growth

Rabat, 5 December 2016 (ECA) – The Economic Commission for Africa (Office for North Africa) and the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA), held today in Rabat, Morocco the third meeting of the Sub Regional Coordination Mechanism (SRCM) for North Africa.

This event was held to set up a consultation framework for projects supporting efforts by UMA and its member States to build an integrated and inclusive economic and social space in the Maghreb region.


Third Consultative Meeting of the Sub-Regional Coordination Mechanism (SRCM-North Africa)

The sub-regional coordination mechanism North Africa will be holding its third consultation meeting on 5 December 2016. This event builds on similar meetings held in in 2015 and 2014, and which have led to the adoption of a regional platform to support the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA) around a number of joint action lines.


World leaders at COP 22 commit to urgent collective efforts to address climate change

Marrakech, Morocco 18 November, 2016 (ECA) - Heads of State and Government and delegations gathered here for the High-Level Segment of the 22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, have sent a strong signal on climate change with the adoption of the Marrakech Action Proclamation for Climate and Sustainable Development. The President of COP22, who is also the Foreign Minister of Morocco, Salaheddine Mezouar introduced the document to the plenary on the evening of 17 November.


At COP22, UN Regional Economic Commissions debate the Economics of Climate change

Marrakesh, 18 November 2016 (ECA) - “African economic growth and development are seriously at risk from runaway climate change”, said ECA’s Acting Executive Secretary Abdalla Hamdok, Tuesday 15 November in a debate with the heads of the UN regional commissions, on Economics of Climate Change.

Despite being one of the least polluting regions of the world, Africa is expected to be among the ones that will suffer the most from climate change.

