North Africa

Marrakech to host 2019 Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning & Economic Development

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 28, 2019 (ECA) – The 52nd Session of the Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 20-26 March 2019 under the theme; Fiscal policy, trade and the private sector in the digital era: A strategy for Africa.

This year’s theme recognises the need to improve domestic resource mobilization on the continent and increase competitiveness leveraging on the strength of digital technology.


IATF 2018: African leaders urged to recommit to boosting continent’s agriculture sector

Cairo, Egypt, December 16, 2018 (ECA) – Africa’s leaders should honour their commitment to allocate 10 percent of their budgets to agriculture if the continent is to improve food security, reduce poverty and spur economic growth, says Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Batanai Chikwene.


ECA presents cartography of Regional Value Chains in North Africa

Cairo, 13 December (ECA) – The ECA Office for North Africa launched on Thursday 13 December in Cairo its report on “The potential for the creation of Regional Value Chains in North Africa: a sector-based mapping”, on the margins of the Intra-African Trade Fair (Cairo, 11-17 December 2018).

This new ECA report maps North African value chains by sector and studies their potential for development.


The potential for the creation of Regional Value Chains in North Africa: a sector-based mapping

This study aims to identify the opportunities and challenges in building regional value chains, using a sectoral mapping of existing regional value chains and an analysis of their development potential. The report includes a draft action plan and a set of recommendations to facilitate trade, reform the current institutional and regulatory framework and build the capacity of key actors for greater regional integration.

South-South cooperation: Egypt and Sudan share their PPP experiences, with support from ECA

Cairo, 11 December 2018 (ECA) – A delegation from the Public-Private Partnership Unit, recently established at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning of Sudan, initiated yesterday a work visit to its Egyptian equivalent, the PPP Central Unit of the Ministry of Finance in Cairo, to be followed by a study tour.

