Central Africa

Regional consultation on integrative projects in the CEMAC Zone

In view of accelerating the process of CEMAC member States’ physical integration, the 14th Ordinary Session of the CEMAC Conference of Heads of State (held on 24 March 2019 in N'Djamena, Chad) and the 8th session of the Steering Committee of the Economic and Financial Reform Program of CEMAC – PREF-CEMAC (held on March 31, 2019 in Douala, Cameroon) prescribed a regional consultation on the community’s integrative projects in view of a collective approach to financial resource mobilization.


Trade relations: Central Africa prepares common external tariff

Yaounde, 28 June 2019 (ECA) – In pursuit of a single customs union across the CEMAC and ECCAS community spaces in Central Africa, a consolidated proposal of a single common external tariff (CET)   for both communities has been presented to all 11 member States of the subregion for reviews that would lead to adoption and implementation of the CET.


A rendezvous on Central Africa’s Digital Economy in Malabo

Yaounde/ Malabo, 26 June 2019 (ECA) – The Government of Equatorial Guinea and the Subregional Office for Central Africa of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) are convening the 35th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Senior Officials and Experts (ICE) for Central Africa to debate and propose practical ways through which countries of the subregion can harness the full potential of the digital economy with the view to better responding to their development challenges, including the urgent need to diversify and industrialize. 


ECA supports Chad to flesh-out AfCFTA strategy

Yaounde, 25 June 2019 (ECA) – A retreat to size up the stakes of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) for the Republic of Chad and lay the foundation for the country’s strategy to leverage it, ended in Mara, Chad, at the weekend, with experts from the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) allaying fears around the county’s participation in the continental common market.


Central African countries prepare free trade product categorization

Yaounde, 25 June 2019 (ECA) – Central African countries were recently urged to align their external trade data classification system, with the 2017 World Customs Organization’s Harmonized System (HS17) for clearly identifying products which will be categorized as ‘free,’ ‘sensitive,’ and ‘excluded,’ within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) regime.


Africa social protection and social investments programmes in the reduction of poverty and inequality

N’djamena, Chad, 17 June 2019 (ECA) - A dissemination workshop was organized by ECA Gender, Poverty and Social Policy Division in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Plan and Development in N’djamena, Chad. This dissemination workshop forms part of an ECA project on the Better Monitoring of Social Protection. The objective of the project is to assist member states in monitoring resources required to achieve the specific social protection goals (1,5,6 and 10) of 2030 Agenda and Africa 2063 on social protection.


Consultative meeting on development priorities and needs in Central Africa (TBC)

Following the UN Reforms introduced by the Secretary General in 2017, a seamless inter-agency approach to working with nations on development, peace and security is being adopted. In this regard, the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa (RCM-Africa) which was a UN system-wide framework for collaboration and coordination aiming to fast-track programme implementation the continental and global priorities in Africa, is mutating into a more tightly-knit Regional Collaborative Platform.


ECA pledges practical support to Angola’s economic reform

Luanda/Yaounde, 20 May 2019 (ECA) – The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has established three work streams aimed at supporting Angola on its sustainable development trajectory and macroeconomic reform agenda, following the accession to power of President João Lourenço in September 2017.
A series of high-level talks with Angolan authorities culminated with discussions at the Presidential palace in which four main areas of cooperation were agreed.
These include: supporting Angola restore macroeconomic stability and diversify its e
