Central Africa

Cameroon AfCFTA Strategy Review

Cameroon is one of 54 countries which have signed the agreements establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) launched on March 21, 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda. In June 2019, the National Assembly and Senate passed a bill authorizing the President of the Republic to ratify the Agreement, a move hailed by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).


Sao Tome and Principe urged to workout African Free Trade strategy


Versão em Português

Sao Tome/Yaounde, 30 Oct. 2019 (ECA) – The United Nations System has urged the Government of Sao Tome and Principe, a small island state located off the Gulf of Guinea, to “take deliberate action and make the necessary efforts, through an effective and integrated national strategy, to maximize the benefits that the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement will bring.”


Cameroon functionaries set for more accountability in development planning

Yaounde, 17 October 2019 (ECA) – Scores of policy and programme planners, statisticians and other national professionals say they have gained considerable insights into ways of optimising their work by routing key accountability factors into Cameroon’s development planning processes, following an eight-day workshop convened by the UN Economic commission for Africa (ECA) in Yaounde.


Central Africa: Calls for ‘digital transformations here and now’ in the air

Malabo, 28 September 2019 (ECA) – No more talking shops, no more feet-dragging! Now is the time to invest line-hook-and-sinker in the tools of digital transformations, as levers of Central Africa’s economic diversification or miss the 4th industrial revolution and remain in the hall of the least advanced subregion in Africa.


Singapore’s growth model, fit for Central Africa?

Malabo 27 September 2019 (ECA) -  “It’s not an economic miracle per se. It’s the result of effective and efficient planning and implementation,” said Mama Keita who heads the Reforms and Policies for Economic Diversification Section at the ECA Office for Central Africa.

She spoke on Thursday in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, during at ad hoc expert group meeting on “Facilitating the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through Development Planning”

