African Trade Policy Centre

IATF 2018: Africa set for massive transformation with AfCFTA, says ECA’s David Luke

Cairo, Egypt, December 31, 2018 (ECA) – Africa is set for massive transformation as more countries are expected to sign-up and ratify the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) in 2019, says Economic Commission for Africa’s David Luke, Coordinator of the ECA’s African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC).

Mr. Luke, who recently led an ECA delegation to the Intra-African Trade Fair that was held in Cairo, Egypt, said intra-African trade, free trade and investments catalyzed by the AfCFTA will without doubt transform the African continent.


Building an African Digital Economy: ECA signs agreement with EU to accelerate creation of one market

Addis Ababa, 18 December 2018 (ECA) - On the margins of the Africa-Europe conference which took place in Vienna Tuesday, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the European Union signed a €3million agreement aimed at supporting national implementation strategies for the continental free trade area. The establishment of an African trade observatory is also planned, and will be a key pillar of the African Continental Free Trade Area.


African Union Ministers of Trade conclusively reach Consensus on all outstanding issues on AfCFTA modalities for tariff liberalization

Cairo, Egypt, December 15, 2018 (AU-ECA) – The seventh meeting of African Union Ministers of Trade (AMOT) ended in Egypt this week with the ministers reaching an agreement on crucial aspects of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) modalities for tariff liberalization as the push for more countries to sign and ratify the Agreement continues.


AITF 2018: First Intra-African Trade Fair opens with call for initiatives that drive AfCFTA

Cairo, Egypt, December 11, 2018 – The first-ever Intra-African Trade Fair (IATF) to be held on the continent opened in Cairo Tuesday with the President of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), Benedict Oramah, calling for the implementation of initiatives that will add meaning to that African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).


Didier Drogba Makes Appearance at Intra-African Trade Fair, Touts Africa’s Capabilities

Cairo, Egypt, December 15 2018 - Reaching its four-day mark yesterday, the Intra-African Trade Fair (IATF) welcomed Didier Drogba, a renowned footballer, entrepreneur and philanthropist, to a session where he told the audience that Africans had the capacity to bring development to the continent.


ECA hosts Trade Finance for Female Entrepreneurs workshop at IATF 2018

Cairo, Egypt, December 16, 2018 (ECA) –  Female entrepreneurs around the globe typically face greater barriers to accessing trade finance than their male counterparts, more so in the developing world where cultural norms continue to affect their desire to do well in their chosen careers.

The World Bank Women, Business and the Law database shows that in all regions, a significant proportion of countries do not prohibit discrimination based on gender or marital status in access to credit.


IATF 2018: African leaders urged to recommit to boosting continent’s agriculture sector

Cairo, Egypt, December 16, 2018 (ECA) – Africa’s leaders should honour their commitment to allocate 10 percent of their budgets to agriculture if the continent is to improve food security, reduce poverty and spur economic growth, says Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Batanai Chikwene.


IATF 2018: Intra-African trade the engine for developing Africa

Cairo, Egypt, December 12, 2018 (ECA) - Africa must forge ahead with the remaining technical negotiations for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) as African Union member countries continue to sign and ratify the agreement that is underpinning the continent’s belief that intra-African trade is the catalytic potential of the accord, says Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe.


Smaller African nations should not fear but embrace AfCFTA, says ECA’s Songwe

Cairo, Egypt, December 12, 2018 (ECA) – Smaller African economies should not fear the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA)but rather embrace the accord for the benefits it will bring to the continent through expanded intra-African trade, says Economic Commission for Africa’s(ECA) Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe.

