African Minerals Development Centre

Geology and Mineral Information Systems Experts to meet in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, 18 June 2014 (ECA) - Experts working in the area of African geology and mineral information Systems will assemble in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from July 8-10. The meeting will take place amidst a growing consensus among experts that there is a lack of geological map coverage at appropriate scales across many African countries.


African Geology and Mineral Information Systems - Expert Group Meeting

The meeting will be held amidst a consensus among experts that there is a lack of geological map coverage at appropriate scales across many African countries. In addition, there is a generally limited capacity currently available to fill these gaps through for example, field mapping, geophysical data acquisition and processing, and spatial data management among others.  to name but a few areas that could be strengthened.  


Minerals and Africa's Development

THIS REPORT ON Africa’s mineral development regimes was prepared by the International Study Group (ISG) established in 2007 by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). It analyses African mining from a number of complemenary perspectives, driven by a search for new directions based on the African Mining Vision (AMV) which African leaders adopted in 2009. !e processes which led to this Report started in 2007, at the peak of the expansion in global demand and rise in the prices of minerals and metals before the onset of the global $nancial and economic crisis in 2008.

Special report on the “The ICGLR Regional Initiative against the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources (RINR) and other Certification Mechanisms in the Great Lakes Region

Several African countries are endowed with considerable amounts of mineral resources. These resources play a crucial role in the economy, as they account for a significant share of exports. Indeed, mineral resource exports contribute to merchandise exports in almost half of Africa’s 54 countries.

Dlamini-Zuma calls for a skills revolution in Africa’s mining sector

Cape Town, 3 February 2014 - The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Madame Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma has called on governments and the mining sector to work together in identifying the skills required by the industry and provide the requisite education, research, training, and technology development.
Speaking at the opening of the Ministerial Symposium held at the ongoing Mining Indaba, Madame Dlamini-Zuma said, “For Africa to industrialize, eradicate poverty and to provide hope for its young generations, it needs a skills revolution.” 

Urgent action needed to link mining with region’s development objectives

Celebrated for the first time, Africa Mining Vision Day calls for a more sustainable, people-centred mining agenda

Cape Town, 3 February 2014 On the margins ofAfrica’s largest annual mining conference, “Mining Indaba”, multilateral development organizationshave called on the private sector tojoin forces with themin ensuring the revenues from mining are reinvested in people.


Forum underlines private sector role in the Africa Mining Vision

Cape Town, 04 February 2014  - On Africa Mining Vision day, at Mining Indaba, African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry, Fatima Haram Acyl said the Africa Mining Vision is a shared responsibility whose implementation requires the collaboration of many actors, including private sector civil society, parliaments, funding partners and governments.

She said the vision needs partnerships that are based on mutual benefits; it is not intended for advancing the interests of one or two mining companies.


Value Distribution in the mining sector spotlighted at Mining Indaba

Cape Town, 05 February 2014 (ECA) -  During a panel session at Mining Indaba organized by the World Gold Council on the theme, Responsible Gold Mining and Value Distribution, Jeremy Webb, Geology and minerals information systems specialist at the African Minerals Development Centre said Africa’s youth have much higher expectations in terms of jobs, opportunities, and development. As such, governments, the minerals industry and communities each have a role to play in ensuring these expectations are met.
Webb noted that development benefits go beyond revenue streams.

Mining Sustainability actors concur on urgent implementation of the Africa Mining Vision

Addis Ababa, 10 February 2014 (ECA) - As the thousands of exhibitors, investors and industry experts scrambled for last minute business cards in the winding down of the 3-5 February  Mining Indaba, an issue that resonated prominently at the sustainable mining discussions was the importance of the Africa Mining Vision, which sessions agreed, needs partnerships and must be fast tracked at the national level in order to catch up with the rapid developments on the continent.
African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry, Fatima Haram Acyl said the Africa

Canadian institute signals intent to support the Africa Mining

Cape Town, 2 February, 2014 - As Mining Indaba, Africa’s largest gathering of the mining sector kicks off from 3-5 February, the African Minerals Development Centre – AMDC and the Canadian international institute for Extractive Industries and Development – CIIEID signed a letter of intent, today on areas the two parties could carry out collaborative activities. 
Wilfred Lombe, Coordinator of the AMDC hailed the governments of Canada and Australia for supporting the Centre’s operational activities on the ground.
