African Climate Policy Centre

Loss and Damage in Africa

Based on existing emissions trends and mitigation pledges, the science shows we are on course to a 4°C world by 2100. At such warming levels, impacts for Africa are expected to be very substantially greater than if warming were held below 2ºC above pre-industrial levels.

Moving against the tide: Africa rising to seize climate change opportunities


The impacts of climate change are evident in many parts of Africa (Sepo H. and others, 2013; Waithaka, M. and others, 2013; Abdulai Jalloh and others, 2013). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC 5AR) further reiterates the severity of current and future impacts of climate change through rising sea levels, floods, droughts, hurricanes and increasing temperatures.

Third Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA – III) conference summary report

CCDA-III objectives

The prime objective of CCDA III was to provide a forum for climate experts and the various stakeholders in development policy and practice to confer on how opportunities presented by climate change can be tapped to enhance Africa’s economic growth and development agenda. The conference delegates included researchers, climate scientists, development specialists, other stakeholders.

African Small Island States Meet to Address the Challenges of Climate Change and Disaster Risks

Addis Ababa, 08 April 2015 (ECA-Climdev-Africa) - Representatives of African Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have convened here for a two- day workshop to develop a collaborative framework for support to address the challenges of climate change and manage disaster risks. 


Climate change and green economy to feature at ministerial meeting side events

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia March 27, 2015 (ECA) – Plans are underway at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) to bring climate change to the fore of discussions during the ongoing seven-day Joint Conference of Ministers of Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration and 48th Economic Commission for Africa Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (COM2015) which kicked off in the Ethiopian capital on the 25 March 2015.


Partners launch African climate research programme

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 04, 2015 (ECA) – The eagerly awaited launch of the Climate Research for Development (CR4D) took place on the sidelines of the AMCOMET meeting in Praia, Cabo Verde on the 23rd February 2015.

Presiding over the programme’s launch, Mr. Pa Ousman Jarju, chair of the Least Developed Countries Group (LDC) and The Gambia Minister of Environment, Climate Change, Water Resources, Parks and Wildlife underscored the central role climate research plays in informing development and policy formulation in Africa.


First Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-I)

The overall objective of the conference is to establish a forum for dialogue, enhance awareness raising, mobilize effective commitment and actions through bringing together policy makers, academicians and practicing stakeholder with the aim of effectively mainstreaming climate change concerns into development policies, strategies, prog

