African Climate Policy Centre

African small island developing states

Starting from 2014, ECA through its African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) commenced a programme to support the African Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in reviewing their vulnerabilities to climate change adverse effects, and to devise robust response strategies that reduce exposure of its people. After carrying out missions to the 6 African SIDS where staff of ACPC met with government officials and other stakeholders, assessment reports for each country were prepared.


On adaptation, ACPC is engaged in initiatives that help build resilience of strategic sectors such as agriculture, energy and water as well as maintaining high quality analytical research activities that support science informed decision making process in key development sectors. The center develops decision support tools for policymakers and adaptive management use, capable of answering “what if” questions, developed for climate sensitive sector application at different levels.

Climate research

Science-informed and evidence-based policy, planning and practices are essential in ensuring that adaptation measures minimize the negative impacts of climate variability and change on various human, natural, and socio-economic systems, and that development is sustainable, more resilient and less vulnerable to   negative impacts of climate change. This is a particularly urgent need in Africa, where climate variability and change have already huge impacts on food security, water availability, human health, social and economic infrastructures.

Caught between politics and money: climate change adaptation in Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific

Addis Ababa, 30 June 2015 (ECA) – As the UN Conference on Climate, COP 21, approaches, the discussions and debates on climate change are starting to intensify with each region vying for a good agreement during the December meeting. 

The Economic Commission for Africa and the Global Climate Change Alliance are hosting African, Caribbean and Pacific countries from June 30 to July 3 in Addis Ababa to discuss points of common interests on what is perhaps this century’s most contentious topic: climate change.


The tricky path towards sustainable development in the times of climate change

Addis Ababa, 16 June 2015 (ECA) – “To maintain Africa’s growth trajectory and ensure the desired economic transformation will require access to appropriate technologies while taking into consideration the opportunities derived from climate change,” asserted Ms. Fatima Denton, the Director of ECA’s Special Initiatives Division  at the opening of the 9th ECA Committee on Sustainable Development taking place in Addis Ababa.

