North Africa

Experts Group Meeting on Financing Regional Integration in Arab Maghreb Union

In the framework of the ECA-AMU Multi-Year Work Program and the Memorandum of Understating signed between the two institutions on December 27, 2013, ECA North Africa Office and AMU General Secretariat on June 12, 2014 in Rabat (Kingdom of Morocco) held a meeting of experts on the feasibility of an AMU autonomous funding mechanism.


ECA Executive Secretary, Carlos Lopes pays official visit to Mauritania

Addis Ababa, 27 August 2013 (ECA) –  The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Carlos Lopes paid an official visit to Mauritania from August 24-27, where he engaged with President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz and various State officials on a range of issues concerning the country’s macroeconomic stability and achievements made in good governance.


Amidst political uncertainty, Egypt’s economic and social status tells a complex story

Addis Ababa, 23 August 2013 (ECA) While the world’s eyes focused on the political situation in Egypt, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa’s analysis shows a complex story. On the one hand, the country managed to sustain activities in most sectors, despite a number of challenges that led to shrinking exports. On the other hand, the political crisis is situated in a context of weak global demand that has negatively affected Egypt’s exports and Suez Canal revenues.


Partners stress unique nature of ClimDev, vow institutions will stay the course on climate change fight

Tunis, 07 March 2013 (ECA) - The 4th Session of the Steering Committee Meeting of the Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa) Initiative opened in Tunis, Tunisia, on Wednesday, March 6 with a strong commitment from partners to do whatever it takes to ensure that the program contributes effectively towards the fight against climate change impacts on Africa.


Youth employment link to growing insecurity takes centre stage in North Africa's integration agenda

Rabat, 21 May 2013 (ECA) - Most of the countries in the Maghreb region are experiencing an important moment in their history, with a number of crucial changes that raise expectations and immediate effects and others that are much less perceptible in the short term. These changes deserve to be accompanied by a reflection on the development priorities at the level of each State separately, as well as in terms of their interactions in the region, in order to ensure a regional integration that is more effective, more concrete and much more focused.


Morocco to host the 9th Africa Development Forum

Forum to focus on innovative financing for Africa's transformation 

Marrakech, 7 August 2014  (ECA) - The Ninth African Development Forum will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 12 to 16 October 2014 on the theme "Innovative financing for Africa's transformation”. The Forum is the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's (ECA) flagship event and it is the first time it will be held outside Addis Ababa where the ECA is headquartered.

