Eastern Africa

Domestication and Mainstreaming of Regional Integration Processes Instruments and Decisions into National Policies, Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

Regional integration is considered to be one of the key drivers of Africa’s economic growth, development and poverty reduction and as such the African Union (AU) has accorded high priority to regional integration.

Two Decades of Trade Liberalisation and Market Expansion in Eastern Africa

Trade liberalisation over the last two decades in Eastern Africa has been pronounced, and has resulted in significant increases in exports and imports both through inter-regional trade and intra-regional trade. Measures of diversification show that trade liberalisation has resulted in a more diversified export structure, however the regions comparative advantage has not changed significantly.

Ad-hoc Expert Group Meeting: Mainstreaming Gender in Bioenergy Development & Localisation of Clean and Renewable Energy Technologies in Africa

Africa’s energy sector is vital for sustainable development of the region. However, Africa remains one of the most poorly understood regions within the global energy system. Although Africa has energy resources more than sufficient to meet domestic needs, more than two-thirds of its population does not have access to modern energy. The effective development of Africa’s energy resources could unlock huge gains across the economy.


Workshop to validate the draft report on “Effective land administration in Africa”

Participants in the two-day workshop will review the draft report on “Effective land administration in Africa”, with a view to validate information, data and evidence included in the document.  A second objective of the validation workshop is to reach consensus on follow–up activities by the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) and its partners in areas such as awareness raising and advocacy, capacity development and peer learning, and monitoring and evaluation towards effective land administration systems in Africa.

