Eastern Africa

Signing AfCFTA giant stride forward for the development of Africa: ECA’s Vera Songwe

Kigali, 21 March 2018 (ECA) - “With the signature of the Kigali Declaration for the Launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area, Africa makes a giant stride forward in continental integration, in the pan-African vision, and in the development of our continent”, said Vera Songwe, the Executive Secretary of the ECA. 


Implementation of AfCFTA will boost production and job creation: ECA’s Vera Songwe

Kigali, 20 March 2018 (ECA) - The key to creating an effective free trade area in Africa is to increase production on the continent, to tap on the huge opportunities offered by the African market, which will reach 3.6 trillion dollars by 2025, said Vera Songwe, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission in Africa, ECA.


The East African Community should focus on clean cooking technologies and energy efficiency: ECA expert.

Kigali, 19 March 2018 (ECA) - Significant progress has been made in Africa in providing access to energy, with an encouraging 43% access rate for the continent achieved in 2016. However, efforts are still needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal on energy, SDG 7, aiming at ensuring access to sustainable energy for all.

