Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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7 September 2015
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Mr. Carlos Lopes has called on Namibian Government Ministers and their Deputies to "imbibe the values of fitness, focus and determination, which make the Cheetah the fastest, most effective and efficient animals in the wild."
7 September 2015
African countries receive a lot more migrants than the continent exports abroad. In fact, the bulk of Africans looking for opportunities outside their countries go to another African country. Less than 2 million seek a destination abroad every year, which is a tiny number in relation to migrant stocks, particularly in Europe.
7 September 2015
Migration is part of the human journey since the sophisticated apes started moving out of the Rift Valley in Africa. The history of humanity is so rich and complex that we have difficulty relating to a very remote common origin, except for historical assessments and philosophical statements.
7 September 2015
We must forge a new humanism and Africanism that transcends race, ethnicity and national boundaries we inherited from colonialism
6 September 2015
O primeiro-ministro cabo-verdiano, José Maria Neves, vai lançar na próxima semana, na cidade da Praia, o livro Cabo Verde: Gestão das impossibilidades, uma obra que pretende traçar o percurso de Cabo Verde de «país improvável» a «país possível».
6 September 2015
The UN under-secretary general and executive director of the Economic Community for Africa (ECA), Mr. Carlos Lopes, pointed out that major recipient of modern migrants, the Italians, must have forgotten they created entire nations such as Argentina and Uruguay. “The British do not necessarily relate Australia, New Zealand or the Spanish and Portuguese most of South America to their making through...
6 September 2015
The UN under-secretary general and executive director of the Economic Community for Africa (ECA), Mr. Carlos Lopes, pointed out that major recipient of modern migrants, the Italians, must have forgotten they created entire nations such as Argentina and Uruguay.
5 September 2015
O Instituto Lula acaba de lançar o primeiro número dos cadernos Diálogos Africanos, que terá prioridade trimestral e pretende incentivar o debate sobre África e as suas relações com o Brasil.
5 September 2015
Speech by the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa in honour of anti-apartheid icon Jakes Gerwel.
5 September 2015
Since the beginning of this year a relentless flow of images from the Italian island of Lampedusa, the city of Calais, where the Eurotunnel starts, Bodrum in Turkey, the eastern islands of Greece, or the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco, are invading television screens and media outlets.
5 September 2015
O Instituto Lula acaba de lançar o primeiro número dos cadernos Diálogos Africanos, que terá prioridade trimestral e pretende incentivar o debate sobre África e as suas relações com o Brasil.
5 September 2015
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Mr. Carlos Lopes has called on Namibian Government Ministers and their Deputies to "imbibe the values of fitness, focus and determination, which make the Cheetah the fastest, most effective and efficient animals in the wild."
5 September 2015
Bashkuara për Afrikën Carlos Lopes heq disa paralele. Që nga fillimi i vitit në ekranet tona televizive shohim gjithnjë e më shumë një masë të dëshpëruar njerëzish në përpjekje për të arritur vendet evropiane. Komisioneri përgjegjës për Migracionin deklaroi se kjo është kriza më e rëndë e refugjatëve që prej Luftës së Dytë Botërore. A është kështu?
5 September 2015
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Mr. Carlos Lopes has called on Namibian Government Ministers and their Deputies to "imbibe the values of fitness, focus and determination, which make the Cheetah the fastest, most effective and efficient animals in the wild."
5 September 2015
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Mr. Carlos Lopes has called on Namibian Government Ministers and their Deputies to "imbibe the values of fitness, focus and determination, which make the Cheetah the fastest, most effective and efficient animals in the wild.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica. En la televisión vemos imágenes de gente desesperada que en masas trata de entrar en la Unión Europea. "Esta es la peor crisis de refugiados desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial", según el...
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica. En la televisión vemos imágenes de gente desesperada que en masas trata de entrar en la Unión Europea. "Esta es la peor crisis de refugiados desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial", según el...
